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Everything posted by Mrlocust10

  1. Another question , Empowered Life Tap should increase the damage of pets? (at this time does not)
  2. Thank you very much for repairing the demons of our characters who came from Pandaria, I don't know if it's a bug but my demon have low hp (i have 2.319K and my doomguard and infernal only 927.000 hp, the other demons also have low life )´. But other players demons have very high hp. (normal or too high?)
  3. Thanks for the suggestions . Another question, any info for devs "demons pets" reset which we were transferred from Pandaria?
  4. I play destro.
  5. what i need to change?
  6. I have a question, i already complete te destro artifact weapon with 35 traits, but a affli friend do much more damage (30% more aprox ) and he only has 25 traits with 855 ilevel. My ilevel is 866 and my stats are: 28% crit 22% haste 75% mast 5%vers. Another question, chaos bolt damage It's too variable, the damage is between 380k and 490k, chaos instability works?
  7. Drain Life should be benefit from mastery chaotic energies?, at this moment does not affect.
  8. Dimensional rift should be benefit from mastery ?, at this moment does not affect.
  9. -Those are excellent news. I would like to suggest destro spell havoc, is not working properly with many spells (does not generate 2 soulshards with conflagrate, and not launch two mortal coils.) -And the artifct trait soulsnatcher
  10. In the spanish forum we have subforum for every class, i hope we have the same here
  11. With current ones in a new topic, and later you can edit adding news fixes.
  12. Please you can make a list with working and bugged warlock spells and traits.