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Everything posted by Zaesis

  1. I dont understand this.. can i recruit a lvl100 follower to get him up to 110?Ive some recruits of class order hall that have forever level100. Can i lvl their lvls be killing mobs or.doing world quests? Is there any tutorial of how to undersand this thing about class missions?
  2. more tics and more soul shards to spend. Haste afect the amount of soulshards you get because agony tics faster. And if you use the effigy, you have doble agony. Oh and btw. You can only use agony on the effigy. Any other dot on the effigy will decrease your dmg.
  3. You don't have only mastery as a primary stat. Haste is your primary stat too. Having 110% of mastery and only 9% of haste is not cool. Your dots do a lot of dmg per tic but your "tics" are slow because you have low haste. It is preferable to have lower mastery but a higher haste. Something like: 85+% mastery and 20+% haste. Forget about critics thats only for some sow of seeds explosion (high aoe dmg when it crits) and for the unstable affliction. Not good enough to have those 30%. Its better if you had 30% of haste lol. I hope this helps you.
  4. well i'm glad it works! i haven't test it but i beleave you ty
  5. Hmmmm i see that.. but in bgs i saw many healers dispelling 3+ ua's without getting any dmg. Maybe i'm wrong. In bgs things happens to fast for me to take screenshots as proof. Maybe it works only on duels and not on pvp instances. You got me pretty confused with those screenshots because i remember getting super mad because of a bg... against 4 healers always dispelling dots and full dots (agony corropt siphon life, ua ua ua ua) without getting the dmg of ua dispel. Actually.. i remember a disc/holy priest that waited to be full doted and then dispeled himself of all dots when i started drain soul. No extra dmg for those 4/5 ua i had on that healer. And i put 4/5 with the intention of beying dispelled for obvious reasons... after the dispell he had the same hp. those images you posted: he/she dispelled only 3 ua and that dmg was huuuge. In bgs its nothing like that. But maybe im wrong and it has been fixed after i did that bg. But i remember my frustration in that moment. I hope i am wrong and you are right.
  6. Fix the unstable affliction dispel for pvp plz. It never worked properly.
  7. Fix grimoire of sacrifice ! Affliction (idk about demo i dont play it)
  8. Thank you!! I finally understand. Im not at home but once i'll get there ill test it out. Your tha best man
  9. Elemental is fine. I can easily do +350 and my max was almost 600k because of the adds and lucky critics aoe stuff. Im 870 with 45 traits.
  10. Hey! Thank your for this post dude. As affliction, the only buged spells: soul effigy (it only lasts a few seconds and it has a hp bar that goes down when you dot it). About other spells.. i guess that one of the golden traits is not beying active. That one that has an icon that looks like essence drain (pvp talent). It just never appears on the top right corner of the screen like the other passives. But i might be wrong . And contagion.. idk why but ive doing more damage (single target) with the corroption talent than contagion. Idk what it failing here maybe its me. When i test it on the target dummie it seems to work fine. It buffes corroption and agony but when i go do mythic or mythic+ thr increased dmg doesnt seem that by using the ua to increase dmg. The soul effigy is definatly not working. Of that one im entirely sure. Ps: im talking about pve.
  11. hello sir. First of all, thank you for this post. I'm going to be as honest as i can. Lately, i've not playied pve content with my warlock and i've almost given up about the that class. It as been my only main class since i started playing wow (a long long time ago). it has always been my favorite and i like affliction very much. I never gave a shaite about the other specs. i think that destruction is a noob class in pvp and i don't know how to play demonology. But that post made me thing a lot about what should be or not me prioritized. I thing that in pve, what should be prioritized is the aoe damage of the spec. Soul Flame must clearly be added for all the reasons in the world besides the aoe factor.. that spell is important not only in pve but in pvp. And please (pleeeeeaaase) don't forget that in pvp, you don't need to kill a target to "proc" it. In PvP, just by having a dot on the target, when it dies, soul flame happens. you can easily see that just by going to youtube and search: "warlock legion battlegrounds". its simple to see that in any of them. But in pve, it only happens when you kill a target. PvP - Soul Flame when the enemy have a dot. Not when it dies as the description says and everybody thinks.. go to youtube and see it. its a fact that has never been changed since 7.0 til now (7.2.5). PvE - Only when the target dies. Then we have the Grimmoire of Sacrifice, which is perfect for affliction. it works perfecty with destruction so it should be working perfecty in affliction. I don´t see why not. Everything is dots and dots and dots so its good for the extra dmg. Besides the aoe dmage, grimmoire have the advantage of increasing the single target damage. is not that high but its always good to have an extra dmg. soul flame + grimmoire of sacrifice active.. what a dream. that would be awesome. both in pvp and pve. about the other spells.. i don't know now. its late and i wanna sleep. i'll think about that later. PS: contagion fixed would be nice. thank you for that one too ^^
  12. truth
  13. I really apreciate the honesty dude. Keep going
  14. I'm 829 with only one relic so in hc's i get top dps quite easily man.. of course i get second in dps but its not a bad spec. Maybe is because i'm used do play as a lock and i got preety used to see low dps in 7.0.3. Honestly for me it seems a lot easier to do good dps. Of course i cannot compete with top dps class like arcane mages or havoc demon hunters but it doesnt seem that bad for me.. Do you wanna know whats bad? Yesterday i did a raid and in the team was a shadow priest with +/- 845 ilvl.. he did 70k dps... thats an extreme case of spec that desperatly need fixes. I like ele so far.
  15. I play ele shaman at ilvl 829 and 1 relic 805. It does 200k easily and 250+ in single target. And 300+ while doing aoe with burst, artifact talent, bloodlust, etc.. so it doesn't seem that bad. I use the icefury build i don't like ascendence. People say that enchancment is top dps but ele shaman is a lot cooler. So many colors and effects lol.
  16. affliction

    Don't tell me that this is only my problem because it can't be.... it just can't. i know that must be other afflictions feeling the same in pve. I tried to give my best dps in this specific VH HC dungeon (like always). I'm ilvl 836 with artifact weapon lvl 829. Now look at my damage..... -.- .... lol .... -.- the top dps player gave almost the triple of my dps.. 1st question: why did unstable affliction dmg got nerfed without a being announced on the latest changelog? and why did you nerfed it without resolving the main problem of unstable affliction (the stacks not stacking properly + the dispel consequence). 2nd question: what about the other important affliction spells? Like the Grimoire of Sacrifice extra aoe damage or SOME of the artifact abilities (both passive and actives), both major and minor traits not being activated since the beginning of the expansion... 3rd question: i've played affliction since the stone age in other private servers and my damage contribute to a team as never been so poor... WTF is happening ????? I know that affliction is not good in pve this expantion but this is worse than not being good... this dps is too low for my ilvl and wlvl so something must not be right.. the top dps player gave almost 3x my dps. is it my fault?!
  17. affliction

    You're the one who needs learning about what is working and what is not. Affliction is my main since the stone age so i've a lot a knowledge about this spec. And ive learnd all the mechanics of legion even before firestorm legion was avaliable.. about your 300k+, I can do 400k+ with ilvl850. All of the bugs i've mentioned above are true and need fix. At least consider the high importance of soul effigy as a single target talent. Affliction its better than before but is not like affliction on retail with all the passive spells working.
  18. affliction

    Its not fixed. Unstable afliction is fixed and corroption is fixed too. With the introduction of malefic grasp + unstable affliction + corroption fixes, you notice an increase of damage wich is good.. But some bugs came with the 7.1.5 (like the grimmoire that makes you control larger pets) and others that are stil to be fixed. And the sow of seeds is bugged too because it got changed in 7.1.5 retail (but keep it that way lol.....). - the grimmoire of sacrifice never worked; - artifact golden dragon traits are all buged; - some artifact minor traits are buged; - rip soul effigy.
  19. affliction

    Every warlock is praying for that dude. Hope we get fixed soon.
  20. affliction

    Actually affliction have a quite good aoe. Not amasing but good enough. But thats in retail. Ive done a long test of dps using test dummies and ive the best build (i guess) already. I'm sure i cant have a better build.. i can put a printscreen of it later if you want. I not at home now. Now... The ilvl is important too. I think i have 7/10 stats. Its 19% critic , 17% haste and 89% mastery. Is not amasing i know but is not that bad. I need more critic and mastery and less haste. Or maybe more haste and mastery and less critic.. hmm Now..The trinket issue is true.. i didnt think about that but its definatly a fact. But dude! Thank you for your comment. It was really constructive and helpful
  21. affliction

    Dude first of all, calm your nerves please. Of course warlocks are not the only class that need fixes. But warlock is my top main since wotlk and is my favourite class so i did this post.. is there a problem with that? No. Now, if you want to make your own post about you class issues, do it.. You can stil report specific bugs in the bugtracker platform like i did before. If you dont want to make that effort, then don't go to other posts saying thinks that are not relevant to them.
  22. affliction

    I didnt know that the other specs were even worse... thats how bad this situation is at the moment. Jesus christ... Thanks for the support dude.
  23. affliction

    Thank you for se support dude The SoC (Seed of Corroption) spell is the only ability that can save the affliction total damage done. Without it, those 100k dps would be.. 50k (because single target damage sucks too..not only the aoe). But soc helps.. thats what ive being using to. But I hope they fix this bullshit man. I dont mind if its only in the next patch, as well as they fix it definalty.. we need this resolved. i dont mind the warlock dps being poor.. but we want the same dps as the retail one. The retail dps is not great, but at least is not as bad as firestorm warlocks at the moment. Thats the truth
  24. affliction

    Thank you for your support man. I knew i was not the only one feeling the same.
  25. affliction

    i could give 200-250M before the nerf of unstable affliction. now its kinda impossible cause you don't have the rest of the abilities to balance it.