Sarah Shan

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Everything posted by Sarah Shan

  1. Oh well fine so far, I took another half year break for some irl stuff and checked out some other games... but I guess I am coming back again. Gonna check out Legion a bit, but mostly hang around MoP again I guess
  2. well there are a few... a few supreme beings from noble background and highborn heritage who await that.... but it can never be the same again I guess. Meh those glorious 'ol days. chilling with dem taurens in SW, trolling plebs... damn those precious memories...
  3. same way someone took my guild after i was 6 month away it seems, tho now I still got an alt char in it and the person who took it is gone for a full year, still not getting it back again
  4. finally
  5. mop

    pretty overfarmed no timeless isle
  6. mop

    actually this is gonna be really neat if it works and makes it to live servers, many people waiting for it ant anticipating that to improve those gearparts which they dont have yet from tot or siege. Does not make a difference for good geared chars, but my alts gonna profit from it too. Nice that you (again) focussed on an important game asset there, keep it up!
  7. awww, you sure know what to say so iI can't be mad at cha. damn I am to easy to manipulate on a sidenote, i would have gone for a closeup, but somehow that tool has the wrong belf face sooooo...i had to go for that approach. but i just wanna mention it, not complain, cuz I am really happy that we got his now. So much better than before! yeah btw sorry then Celidan, whatever I said was like Amihay spotted out precisely just on topic of MoP... and well WoD... I don't have any clue
  8. Ami the point is sure... MAYBE I MADE A MISTAKE THERE but it was you that made me look stupid now ... BUT IT IS OK IT ISSSS OOOOOKKKKK im totally calm
  9. yea sure troll the new person ^^ honest thing is, ally win 90% of bgs from 4 am to 0:30 am... then between 0:30to 4am the horde has its slim window of retalliation. there is no balance cuz reasons.
  10. I totally dislike this idea ^^ I mean even said that, arena and pvp isnt all there is in this world. Enlargen your horizon, do all aspects the game has to offer you and you might come to understand that one reset day for all of those, conquest, valor, raids, weekly quests, etc etc... is far enough. How much fun is there to earn your gear when your done in one week? 3 resets per week is like the lamest idea I heard for long time, maybe only topped by the guy that suggestes to make 5x multiboxing a legit thing.
  11. AHWMAGAWD... well actually its pretty rude, disrespectfull, insulting and sad..... ...but on the other hand i had 2 laugh so hard, do i have to feel ashamed?
  12. banned Sambal because his mogs fits his guildname too much. And furthermore he hammered someone in public chatroom... if cha know wattaa meaaaaan
  13. banned Kratos for almost defeating chuck norris in a bare hand fistfight (he did not see that roundhousekick coming)
  14. As long as its on fun realm its totally ok
  15. Well you maybe got some more arguments to back up your suggestion? I mean plain as it is, imo the more people multibox, the more fun it ruins for others. Why even do that? I mean population is high enough, easy to get guildies and friends to help. For what does multiboxing help or what does it achiev?
  16. mine is 15 mins though ^^ well maybe it would help if we knew your realm/expansion... for me on MoP its 15min always working fine
  17. If the cake is a lie, they muffin must be o hoax ^^ Nono, jokin, aside from that gj. Will personally blame you for any dk outdpssing me now Nah, actually I whished more people would make indepth guides on classes especially how the relate on this server. Like you can tube alot of guides from retail, but basically only half the stuff there applies. Nice to having this here. keep it up Muffin
  18. wrong section of forum... Man you are totally right, but here it will be just wasted effort. Report on bugtracker, and help the server to improve. We would all appreciate it.
  19. Merging does not solve anything imo... New expansion, new bugs, so please new server. I only like MoP as example, and though always feeling like having a far to underpopulated server, and other people being blind for MoP being the most value on firestorm in comparison of content vs bugfree development, a merge would not help my realm in anyway... merging a higher expansion is forcing you to participate. You cant stay MoP relevant top tier PvE guild when WoD or Legion is around every courner. Like having lvl 100-110 aswell in player progression as in gear would make MoP just a part to scale over, but it would be meaningless as high end content, because outdated. Many of us from MoP play it primary for three reasons: 1. Its the longest developed big expansion of this server, meaning less bugs, more balance, many quests and much content 2. Thiose who despise WoD (like me)... For me its like, why should i play a freakin MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER online game, if basically 50% is just stuck in their own garrison doing frekin solo stuff half of their game time... Or like as if WoW is not the hell of a grind already if you like PvE, factions and "I like to complete all"... nonono, there has to be apaxis cristal dailys all over your face... 3. Those who started MoP here, and have some sort of "made it"... like having a good guild, being known for something to be good at, achieved a lot of stuff... etc... Though all 3 people would probably really like much more populated server, the merging of the servers would not help them any... actually they would be mad.
  20. why calm down? he is exactly right with anything he is saying... don't you understand the core of his argument?
  21. So basically I also was like shutting down others that kind of raged about new shop. Or at least I spoke out aginst them. But this thread is kinda constructive, so even I will share my thought, just real quick. My first aim here is to get Firestorm more donations, and second is the playerbase- Its very simple though: Leave Votepoint prizes like they are- because well they are framed kinda for free. So i find the prizes reasonable. But I would like either even cut down Donationpoint prizes by more then 50%, hell yea why not 75% or just them same idea the other way around, give people 50-75% more points for their donation. In my opinion its more than absolute logic, that they make more money this way. Why? Its obvious: like as fiktional example, lets say an item you want now in this new shop costs like 20€ or 20$ donation. You will likely think stuff like: is it really worth that price? What else could I get for that amount?`you could almost pay 2 month retail for that amount, or whatsover. You start to think about things like costefficiency, worthiness, relativity... And maybe say no. While if the same item would cost only 5€ or 5$ you would be much more tempted to buy it. And maybe even think like: Wow thats so cheap, why not atleast donate 10 or even 20 to buy some other stuff while your at it. My brain works like that. I might actually end up investing the same amount of money, but because I feel like really getting something out of it... It feel like driving a hard bargain, on some virtual pixels in an online universe. or like lets say a hardcore mountcollector will most likely think now with those prizes: If I really want them all, its kind of not affordable. So why even bother to buy one? if every single mount would be cheaper, he would more likely start collecting them, even if it still summs up to some amount. Cheaper prizes mean more profit, because who in the right mind would be like: Im gonna buy all the stuff in that shop, whatsoever... it is more expensive now? oh that will just mean it takes me more time. Nono, in general people are more likely to set up an amount. Like I got that XX amount on birthday, leftover from lastmonth or anything, so i can spend like this XX amount on my game. At least when they feel like getting something that is worth in return. If on the other side, that person can almost buy a new game, or a new pc part or something somehow valuable in comparison... he might be more hesitant... and reconsider donating here... So thats my 2 cents, I hope this is also not treated as QQ... i was just speaking in general tearms.
  22. cows are just strange
  23. It is Taurude - Cowstorm
  24. thats ok, just dont milk them I don't like looking back. I'm always constantly looking forward. I'm not the one to sort of sit and cry over spilt milk. I'm too busy looking for the next cow.
  25. I cant tell you, because you dont trust cows!