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About Whispersong

Firestorm User

  • Name Allerià
  • Class Hunter
  • Level 110
  • Realm Sylvanas
  • Race Night elf

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  1. sAY wooot? Honestly I might even agree with your "rage" and with certain points of ypour posts but please, before droping such a post inform yourself for real how things work and what a core is and so forth. As for the server someone promoted is all bullshit with cherry on top. Why do I say so? because we have RUSSIANS in here that could gladly join that wonderland server where everyhit is russian written and community is russian and enjoy that "perfect" experience, My guess is: it sucks big as most of the private servers when it comes to a comparison with official one. Lets just try to remember one decent logical thing: Blizzard has a dev for every code line - exagerating gfor the figure- while Fstorm has a bunch of people only. And they even manage to do things.
  2. I think the vault of Wardens section of the starting area for dh will be introduced together with the instance with the same name... at least there is some connection. i know what you say and you're right. That part is so much lore, is ... beautiful maybe more than the first one.
  3. If you play elswhere how is that you write here???
  4. Spenzo... this is a game and you should take it lightly. There are far more important things in life to get upset for. Smile... tomorow can be worse
  5. To find things in BucheredMeet one must have the Butchery enchantment on... and Enchanting is still bug in here. Maybe he gets it without.
  6. and I've the name of the vendors so... it cannot be that world quests work for only 2 players on Sylvanas. Don't you think?
  7. This is true BUT felhide IS SOLD IN AH and WORLD QUESTS are not active. Thanks anyway for the info. I knew it already from the blizz.
  8. mmm sort of yes considering felhide is difficult like hell to get...
  9. Is Febr 3rd 3 weeks after this post I quote: neltharion's Lair is up - Done World Quests - is written " World Quests in Azsuna, they should be available in the next one to two weeks." - no world quest... for now. Any update to the blog please? World Bosses - nope- they depend on world quests. Professions - partially implemented: herbalism works best of all, skining has yet things to fix, mining is a drama- bug nodes, less nodes, non droping nodes.... oh well mining is far from working. Arena Season - still far Please make an Updated post pined to top so that we can adjustg . Thanks. it will avoid drama... at maximum people will grumble mumble but what can you do: that's it.
  10. girls

    Tell this to Goldshire people
  11. girls

    In my 10 years of wow I was always called dude... but I'm not a dude. So I wonder... what do you think of girls playing wow? Do they exist or they are guys pretending to be girls?
  12. There is a trick If you cannot get to the floor to fight the mob, use the DEATH GATE magic in your book. It'll teleport you to the right floor. I know the pink portal is not working... I had the same issue and solve like that.
  13. Why would they be closed? I see all online and running https://firestorm-servers.com/en/welcome/realms
  14. You drop all those + at me... what is this aritmethics?
  15. World of warcraft is a perpetual shooting everything game - sort of America :P