no tengo nombre

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Sobre no tengo nombre

Firestorm User

  • Nombre Windstrike
  • Clase Monje
  • Nivel 110
  • Reino Greymane

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  1. Y como se se supone que vendere el personaje que yo quiero cuando no tengo las suficientes monedas firestorm y no puedo logear y canjearlas?, y no te me hagas el delicado o etc, por que ustedes, los gms en este maldito servidor dan una pena y me dan asco ustedes cuando fingen ser buenos pero no hacen nada mas que perder su tiempo sin hacer nada, banear y nada mas, se proponen a banear por nombres estupidos y no por bugs, no se preocupan por su maldito servidor, ojala ustedes se puedan morir de un tiroteo, heil deutschland.
  2. Hi, I do this problem for a reason, my account, my account that has been banned a thousand times in 7.1.5 for using hacks in greymane, maybe some gms remind me if they have a good memory, but I tell them, I do not I put names to my rogue in "Nazi" plan or my brotherhood "Der Fuhrer" next to their ranks which are many, it seemed totally stupid and pathetic to be banned for that reason, and not for the bugs that people do, as I want tell them, I demand that my account be returned to me because I really did not do anything to anyone to have me banned with a fucking nickname that offended a fucking gm jew. Continuous. If you do not return my account, then we will make a deal, that account will be banned permanently, and some things that I want from that account to my first account, and I do not want more bans because I am totally tired of this, I want them to pass all my appearances, and when I say "all" are all appearances to my first account, "", or at least pass to my warrior arms that I take a fucking time to equip it, Blitzkriëg, with a change in name not to offend more stupid Jews. As I told you, I want you to return that account or pass the damn appearances to my first account, thanks for the attention, and you'd better answer this problem.