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FIx the bugs!!!

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This server is terrible. Cant even do most the main questlines because nothing works. I'm stuck on the Legion Quest "reach the broken shore". Im there and nothing is activating. All the money being spent on the shop here and nothing is getting fixed. And i cant play anything higher than Shadowlands because my laptop wont play DF....any suggestions on which server doesnt have nearly as many problems?? 

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Here is a small lesson in being adult: NOTHING, anywhere, in games or life or anything will work like u want. find workarounds.

There's plenty to do in legacy content, even if i somehow accept your premise that ...

2 hours ago, Leyjen said:

my laptop wont play DF

... is anyone's problem but yours.

There's tons of mounts to be farmed, tons of pets, endless mogs, plenty of achieves that work fully.

Have fun, GG.

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Nothing? yes sure... 475 mounts and only 10 are from shop, 400 pets got from game or loyalty points, 15k of archievements points... and nothing work?? hahahaha 

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475 mounts and then you wake up from your dead dream,the DB is empty,you must go on shop here to pay each mount 5 euro.And some of thoose they cost 20 euros,you should see better the shop and you have did so far 699 posts for ballbreaking,have a nice day too..

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oh boy oh boy...

Yeah, bugs can be annoying, sometimes frustrating but you can still enjoy this server WITHOUT DONATING.

It's possible to farm 600+ mounts without the shop. You just need to know how and be more patient with the drop chances. I'm still grinding some BfA/SL mounts since their releases.
Currently: 818 Mounts, around 100 from shop, 1207 unique pets.. 1615 in total. Tons of transmogs and 58,69% completed of this game.
I'm here since 2013 and never wanted to quit just because of bugs.


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Yeah try to play from wotlk till df to get them thoose.Cause there is nothing like this inside in df database so far,we all must begin old expansion back to thoose days to farm some of these in each patch,well i perfer to go on retail cause the chances directly works 100% and dont need to go back from some prepatching story to begin all thoose things.

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