
Recomended Server for Solo Content

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Hello! I'm fairly new to the server and started on Oribos as I haven't played Shadowlands content before. But I have seen that the old content can be a little unstable or unavailable as, understandably, is still on beta with priority on the new content. As I mostly enjoy soloing old raids and dungeons, achievement hunting and the sort, are the other servers (like the Legion or BfA ones) more stable in that aspect? Or is mostly the same as in Oribos?

Thank you in advance and excuse any poor english.

Edited by Moonedge

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Hello @Moonedge,

Our realms mostly focus on the current content of that realm (for example Oribos, our Shadowlands realm focuses on Shadowlands content, Sethraliss focuses on BFA content, and so on). However, that doesn't mean that older content does not exist in that realm. For that reason, it is recommended to play on Oribos since it has the best combination of old content and current content and it also has the highest amount of average players. Here you can find a list of the raids/dungeons that are working in Oribos right here: [Oribos] List of available instances.

That being said, you can always go back to an older realm to farm mounts, and other collectibles and they will be available for you in Oribos. Note that the characters that you make in older expansions cannot be transferred to Oribos, as they are separated.

Again this is dependent on your personal preference.

If you ever need technical support, please make a ticket here: Support Firestorm.

Take care,
Looic, INT Support

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