
Possible Bugs? Known?

3 posts in this topic

Good Morning


so i was leveling a monk to alliance, once you go and speak to the kind you get the quest " the Horde Uprising" showing the person to hand in the quest is just behind you. There is no one. Also the Kind and Aldwin is stacked on-top/inside of each other. After this while level 15 the actual dungeon "DoS" boss kill list keeps showing on the right. relogging does not fix this.


i logged my druid which is level 50. most is working as far as i can remember. the only annoying this that is happening is that after some of the campaign quests i have to relog in order to continue.

is this happening with you guys aswell?

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Hello @Rekkov,

To do the BFA questline, please follow this guide here.

Some quests can bug out if you get too far away from the NPC and a relog will usually fix this problem by teleporting them back to you.

A lot of time people don't experience the same problems or issues as some cases are isolated etc.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them.

Take care,
Looic, INT Support

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If this issue persists please make another topic here or if you require support with any technical issue please make a ticket here

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