
State of Oribos Server

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Hey there everyone,

So as the topic says it would be interesting to know what is the state of Oribos server? Well you know, the bugs, chat mentality, faction balance and everything, of course i can't expect much from a private server that much i know, but been playing on retail for a while till i got fed up, had a quite a break and planning to jump on the server as I've been playing on firestorm back when Oribos was not released, i'd say good couple years back maybe more. Anyways , looking forward for some answers + KARMA for details . Thanks in advance.

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Hi Arnuks

I'll give you a detailed state of the server is below:

- We don't have chromie implemented so we only offer exile's reach as a starter zone and BFA as your questing route. Both these leveling experiences are very smooth for both horde and alliance.
- Starting shadowlands content, especially the storylines for each of the 4 zones are very easy to level through as well as the into of the Maw.
- We offer TOF and a Maw skip after you completed it on at least one character.
- Currently, we only offer 5/9 covenant chapters so you can only have 2 of the 3 soul binds.
- The abilities for each covenant for each class/spec are working, for the most part, there are some issues but they are reported and being looked at.
- Most if not all the classes are working as close to retail as possible with the exception of a few but those are reported and being looked at.
- The dungeons are almost 1-1 with blizzard with the exception of the occasional combat bug, but it rarely happens.
- We offer time walking keys for BFA dungeons, this is not a limited-time event but a permanent addition. More dungeons from legion will be implemented at a later stage.
- The raids are almost 1-1 with blizzards with the exception of a few bosses but those are reported and being looked at.
- The experience rate is 2x so leveling is fast.
- There is no more division between the faction as our Shadowlands server is now cross-faction.
- The chat as you would expect from a wow community, is average, we try to thin out the toxic players but there will always be some of them.
- We have the valor upgrade system implemented as well as a PVP season that recently started.


And that is about it. If you have any other questions that I missed here feel free to ask and I'll gladly answer them.


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