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Getting past the Draenor starting quests

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I keep seeing multiple complaints about the A Taste of Iron quest stopping the initial Draenor questline in its tracks. I also didn't see much on how to get past it. Here is what I did (on the Horde side) and I am now sitting in Frostfire Ridge:

The cannon bugged for me and it kept saying everything was too far away. I abandoned the quest and moved back by the questgiver. Then I closed out wow (exit the game and click exit now), deleted my cache folder, relogged, and it worked. I was able to play through.

The quest bugged again at the end after I pushed the button for the main cannon and the quest giver was missing. I again exited and deleted my cache. When I relogged he was there and I was able to complete the questline.

I hope this helps people that are still stuck so you can get your Garrison. This should work for Alliance as well, someone on that side let me know if it does.

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Ty veryyyy mucho for the info bro

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