
demon hunter bug

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sziasztok olyan problémám van hogy van egy blood elf demon hunterem 105ös szintű és nincsenek legion questek. új Dalaranban kellene kezdeni de sehol nincs Khadgar. és persze hiányos Azsuna térkép se mob se npc senki nincs. full üres minden. ilyenkor mi lehet a probléma? előre is köszönöm a válaszokat.



hi i have a problem having a blood elf demon hunter level 105 and no legion quests. should start in new Dalaran but nowhere is Khadgar. and of course incomplete Azsuna map neither mob nor npc nobody. full empty everything. what's the problem then? thank you in advance for your answers.

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Greetings @Tinowiel,

You could go around broken isles, there are few `Bonus objectives` that you can attend, they give a fair amount of XP, although if you seek more in-game assistance, I suggest making an in-game ticket instead, Game Masters will assist you from there. (Any error upon submitting an in-game ticket such as `Error updating your GM ticket` is just a visual bug, ignore it, your ticket will be registered either way)

Kind Regards,
Forum Moderator Miolaro.

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