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PvP on firestorm

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Hey, i really don't like whining about this i mean everyone wants that firestorm earn some cash to backup server but.. Well there is literally no balance or fun in pvp. The templates here is totally suck. Unlike legion the armor and hp is not scale correctly nor the damages. When a full geared ( mostly staff members wich earns free coin each month ) gets into arena 300k hp 30 ilvl and 10 trait difference is might seems low to you guys but for those whom love to do arena it's literally fest. Seen a guy wich doubles your hp in arena and your damage of course is very much disapointing. Not the mention that they grinds arena without any sweat. On the legion even if you get full gear thanks to templates there wasn't any big differences. But here is like full gear 1 player worth regular 2 player in both hps and dps. I am not saying remove the f.kin full gear option since you might be earning some support but at least fix the damn templates properly so people can enjoy arenas and pvp fairly.

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