Posted September 4, 2017 You will need a torrent client to expansion you want. We've provided some links to clients but, you can use one you prefer. µTorrent. BitTorrent. Deluge. You will need a program to decompress the files and extract it to your specified location. WinRAR. 7-zip. For this tutorial we'll be using µTorrent. 1. Choosing your Expansion: Go to the Firestorm Website or Forums. At the top of the navigation click on the "Join Us" button or alternatively click here. 2. Downloading the Expansion: 2.1. Client Choices: Minimal Client The minimal client is not the full download of the game. It will allow you to play but download content as you play. Note: You may suffer from lag, problems, and content taking awhile to load. Full Client The full client has everything in it, and you will not have to download content while in-game. 2.2. Downloading Process: After installing one of your torrent clients or using your preferred one, you should be able to click on the link on the page and it should say "Open µTorrent", "Open BitTorrent" "Open Deluge", etc. If that option isn't available for you, you can right click on the client button and "Copy link address". Open µTorrent and click on the link icon. Paste in the link you previously copied to the box and click "Ok". Viola, now your game should begin downloading. Now, you play the waiting game and wait for the download to finish.Note: The downloading time may take longer; it depends on your internet connection. 2.3. Unpacking the Archive: Once the expansion is completely downloaded, right click on the file archive, and then click on "Unzip" or "Extract Here". You may alternatively open the archive up and drag/drop the files to the specified folder. Once the extraction time is over, open the folder and run your game by clicking "Wow.exe". Important Note: For those that are using the "minimal client", the initial launch of the game can be long (approximately ten minutes or so). Important Note: To play and connect to the realm Gul'dan, you must not run the "Wow.exe". Instead, launch your game via the "Launcher.exe" provided. Technical Support: If you run into any problems with your installation, game, connection issues, etc. please submit a thread in our Technical Support and we'll do our best to assist you with your problem. Read-only Issue: Right click on the game directory and click on "Properties". Un-tick the box "Read-only". Then click "Apply" then "Ok". Changing the Client Language: List of Locales: "enGB" : English (Great Brittan) "enUS": English (America) "frFR": French (France) "deDE": German (Germany) "itIT": Italian (Italy) "koKR": Korean (Korea) RTL - right-to-left "zhCN": Chinese (China) (simplified) implemented LTR left-to-right in WoW "zhTW": Chinese (Taiwan) (traditional) implemented LTR left-to-right in WoW "ruRU": Russian (Russia) "esES": Spanish (Spain) "esMX": Spanish (Mexico) "ptBR": Portuguese (Brazil) Changing the Language: If you wish to change your in-game client language, open your game directory, and navigate to the WTF folder. Open the file that has .wtf at the end (usually or Look for "textLocale", "textLocale" and set the lines to what language you want it to be. We've provided some locales above!Example: SET textLocale "enUS" SET audioLocale "enUS" 1 person likes this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 12, 2018 No realms are curently avaible,what to do? 1 person likes this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 15, 2018 does the minimal client auto download while in game? cause when im ingame now its telling me theres 0 bandwidth and 0% downloaded Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted September 20, 2018 On 8/12/2018 at 4:10 AM, Rebarce666 said: No realms are curently avaible,what to do? Same for me how do i fix this? played in the past wanted to start up again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted September 20, 2018 9 hours ago, wokepropsie said: Same for me how do i fix this? played in the past wanted to start up again Upgrade to 7.3.5 Use the launch and it will automatically patch for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted September 24, 2018 On 20/9/2018 at 8:21 AM, Alan said: Upgrade to 7.3.5 Use the launch and it will automatically patch for you. I saw you posted somewhere else the link for a wtf zip folde.r.. but the link is broken to megaupload and now that solution is gone for the problem in which the game does not start or we only see the change language option... Another option I found was this But can't quite figure it out. Let me know what I can do please. ALl the best, Algaemaster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2020 i copy BFA WinRAR file from my friends computer to my hard disk. and i extract my own computer that BFA winrar file but its not working i dont know why. i Running maybe 100 times its over again over just 1 things, its choice region OMG WHAT I SHOULD DO? my internet speed 2 mbps i cant download forestorm websites bezoe itsmaybe 4 5 days download pls help me where i mistake ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 14, 2023 HOW do i join oribos HOW i downloaded battle for azeroth and when i open game its legion and only realm avaliable is sethraliss.. im new here and ur "our realms" doesnt show what content is this ffs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 14, 2023 (edited) Go here and Choose Shadowlands Full Client or Mini Client 31 minutes ago, Dhagoth said: HOW do i join oribos HOW i downloaded battle for azeroth and when i open game its legion and only realm avaliable is sethraliss.. im new here and ur "our realms" doesnt show what content is this ffs Download Launcher Edited January 14, 2023 by alleyn321 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 14, 2023 yeah i found out its shadowlands.. shame u cant see at realm names, what content is this bad.. and thank you.. and hello fellas never played something bigger than cataclysm starting new adventure Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 14, 2023 19 minutes ago, Dhagoth said: yeah i found out its shadowlands.. shame u cant see at realm names, what content is this bad.. and thank you.. and hello fellas never played something bigger than cataclysm starting new adventure You can see all Realms in the Firestorm APP / Launcher. Shadowlands is most populated 3k+ Average. Others low Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 28, 2023 I Tried to download the Full Client of Legion the torrent errored out at 49.3% ( after a long fight [4hrs+] ) over the bandwidth vs the rest of the household. Went to plan B, downloading the minimal client and running the loader but after a 15min wait all I got was multiple instances of the .exe in my task manager but nothing actually happening. I'll try later on but is there any direct way to download this shy of hijacking another pserver download and changing its realm.txt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites