
[Declined] Third Profession

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Hi, I have played on a private server that had the ability to use the "server shop" to buy access to 3 professions instead of 2. You were not able to freely choose and such but you paid, I believe $10.00 or $5.00 and like 250 vote points for the ability to add a third unleveled profession of your choice. If you paid $20.00 or $10.00+pts it would be fully leveled for you. I think it would be a great way to make extra money for the server while also keeping a "mostly" blizz-like envoirnment.

If the answer to this is that it is a "blizzlike" server then shouldn't it be a two-way street then? Can't really say that with so tons of issues. I think it would help the bottom line on your side while adding another way for people like me to enjoy your already great servers. I love the progress i have seen in my short while playing and i hope this can be "looked at"

Apologies if this has been asked before, I did not find it in my searching/reading

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Declined! Firestorm is not a custom server. We try to be be as much blizzlike as possible!

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