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[WoD] Big Event

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I'm Tavari QA/Cm and wanna ask if you can add this event pls. :)

Booty Bay run Quiz and Hide and Seak!!


Booty Bay Run!

We have a groupe with players who try to run from Nordshire to Booty Bay as level 1 Human!


Don't use Mounts.

Only if you are in the Event groupe you can win.

If the Event started you leaved and want to get inv again you don't get a inv.

Account gear is not Allowed!

Speed spells,flask, food not Allowed!

Game Master Job.

1. Inv the Players.

2. 2-3 Game Master follow the Groupe ( Last player / Mittle of the groupe / Fist player )

3. 1-2 Are in Booty Bay and inv the first 10 players for the next Event.




World of Warcraft Quiz!

The Quiz will be on the top of icc.

The Game Master will ask you some Questions about the WoW Lore.

If you have to a correct anwer you are in the next round "Hide and Seak"

Only 10 Guys can come to this Quiz ( the 10 Guys where are first by the Game Masters by the Booty Bay event.)


If you jump down you get kicked from the groupe.

If you flame a player or the Game Master you get kicked from the groupe.

If you ask the Game Master to add you something you get kicked.


Game Master Job!

1. inv the winner from the last even in a other groupe "who won".

2. teleport all on the players in the groupe on the top of icc.

3. Befor you start make sure you have questions for the players.

4. Kick players who break the rules.

5. Inv the player who won the Quiz.




Hide and Seak!!

We will do Hide and Seak in dalaran.

You need to find the GM's who are morphed in Dalaran.

If you found a GM you need to /wave him.

You need to find all GM's who are morphed! (2-4 Game Master only)

Only 5 Players who won the quiz get inv.


Stay in the Groupe.

Don't tell the players where the Game Master are.

Don't flame Game Master or Player.

Don't ask for items.

Only leave the groupe only if the Game Master tell u to leave.


Game Master Job!

1. Inv the player who won the Quiz.

2. Tell the players how many GM's they need to find.

3. One Game Master whisper the player who found all Game Master and inv him in a Groupe.

4. Only 3 Player can win and get the Price.

5. The Players who won get teleported to the GM box and get there Price (and can do screens with the Game Master if they want.)





I hope you will add this event, because i think it will be funny! :)

Edited by Rymnor
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