Realm: Valdrakken
Quest from Storyline: Cycle of Hatred - Burn It All Down in Zone: Stormsong Valley requires you to burn 2 Siege Towers and 6 Lumber Piles with a Flamethrower available to use when youre in the area. The Siege Towers work but when you try and burn the Lumber Bunnies you get Feared and get a strong burning debuff that barely doesnt kill you. The Lumber Bunny shows Evade and also gets the Fear but it doesnt give you completion. Me and a friend have been trying for a while and ive seen many others have it bugged as well. Somehow when we came back today the phase had changed and now there is Alliance npcs fighting all around. When I tried again today on one of the piles I got feared, it Evaded but somehow I got 1 to count. No matter how much I tried to replicate i couldnt get it to work again. Weve completed basically everything else in BFA and this quest is all that stands between us and the final BFA storyline. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!