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About CryptidMom

  1. Do Battle Pets work on Sylvanas? Asking because every trainer I go to doesn't offer a pet to purchase or any quests. Just arrived in Lor'danel on my worgen. I never played during Legion, so I have no idea how battle pets worked at the time. If they do work, can someone please explain the process to me like a toddler?
  2. Gotcha, gotcha. Thank you for the swift answer, (and being chill with the "newbie-who-doesn't-know-what-she's-doing" question as a lot of communities can be pretty harsh) I was so confused lol. I'll go ahead and grab the minimal one again, as it's the most accessible method for me and what I was able to play before asking was very fun. :3
  3. Hello there! I'm incredibly new to Firestorm and I'm a bit confused on installing the Dragonflight Beta server with the launcher. Whenever I install it, it only downloads around 60 MB and then it just kinda... seems to freeze with the blue download bar at full. I do not have the full game installed, and want to know if that's possible to do with Dragonflight via the launcher. I'd download the full game file, but I don't have enough space to extract it on my external hard drive. I actually did try that at first before asking this, but I couldn't find a working way to delete files while extracting. I was able to play after downloading the minimal server, but I'd prefer to just get the full game installed ahead of time. So, in summary: How do I download the full game for Dragonflight via the Firestorm Launcher?