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Everything posted by RokiMKD

  1. Can someone please explain to me why on the main page of firestorm wow the player count is displayed always more than the sum of all their servers, like now it shows 4138 players but when you click on all servers OBTR is 958, BFA 1567, Legion 148, Wod 27, Mop 516, Cata 4, and Wotlk 26, combined that is 3223. I mean what are the devs doing do you want to show a higher player count that the real one and forgot to add the same math to the all realms route and only dispay the false info on the main page, i mean if you get the player count from the back end of the servers than this is not possible. Or do you have hidden servers?
  2. Yeah i thought about that as well but for me there isn't a logical reason for the players per realm to be updated correctly but the total player count not, since if i would build the web app i will just combine all realms player count and display it, so all the realms will have invalid data(delayed), I'm not bashing on them i just want to know why they designed the website in a way where something like this is possible.