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About Roninjoker

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  1. Hiyas! I was trying to find Ore to mine in Northrend, but I have so far only found one spot (A cave near K3 in Storm Peaks) that has any (Saronite). I have yet to find a single Cobalt node to mine on the entire continent. This isn't game-breaking or essential, but I am a completionist who likes to get everything done in order which is the only reason I noticed.
  2. Thank you! I put in a request. Will check back later to see where she is.
  3. Hi. I am sorry, I don't know where to post bugs or other issues. My character on the Garrosh server got on the wrong boat, and when she tried to hearth she got killed instantly and is now floating in the middle of swirling clouds. I am unable to resurrect or go to a graveyard. I just spent a bunch of time leveling her crafting, so I would really like to get her unstuck. Her name is Kaciko, Draenei Paladin - level 68. I was hoping to go to Northrend, but accidentally got on the Boat to Vash'jir.
  4. Nevermind - I figured out you just need to talk to the NPC again to "skip this part of the campaign". At least on the Battle for Azeroth campaign. Still can't see the other quest NPCs. Just wish the quest didn't keep auto-adding.
  5. Hi. I keep getting quests added to my log for campaign quests. Only problem is, the quest NPCs aren't in their location for me to complete them. It started with "A King's Command", then continued with the quest for the Twilight Highlands, and now it is doing it for the "The Battle of Lordaeron". I can't get quest chains for any of those expansions without them. I have tried with different characters, I have tried without addons, and I have even tried timewalking by talking to the NPCs in Silithus and other zones. I just want to continue the storylines, if only to open up more quests. Thank you for your time and consideration.