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About eq55

  1. is in Shadowlands But I don't know if I'm the only one with this problem As for the content. It's like this at the beginning of the game. But it shouldn't be too much. That's why other people don't respond. That's why I wonder if I'm the only one who has this problem or if everyone thinks the problem isn't too bad, so they don't respond
  2. 如圖所示。只要怪物在紅線的距離內,怪物就不會後退。但是如果靠近的話,怪物會立刻撤退 我是唯一一個有這個問題的人嗎? 專業技能經驗。希望是2-3次 但不要期望太多。雖然副專業(釣魚和烹飪)也很好玩。但是很難練習 其他人接近完美。第一個是問題。二是個人小期待
  3. 打怪時.怪會一直後退.有補丁可以修正嗎? (When fighting monsters, the monsters will always retreat.Is there a patch to fix it?) 專業技能希望可以改成3倍以上.畢竟有些專業其實可玩性很高.如釣魚.且釣任務魚.感覺機率蠻低的 (I hope that professional skills can be changed to more than 3 times. After all, some professions are actually very playable. Such as fishing And catch the task fish. I feel that the probability is quite low) LUA錯誤.不知道哪裡沒安裝好.有誰知道問題如何解決嗎? (I don't know where it is not installed properly. Does anyone know how to solve the problem?) 我第一次發文.如果有錯.麻煩知會.我會立即改正 (This is my first post. If there is a mistake, please let me know. I will correct it immediately)