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Everything posted by tereyacocuk

  1. Hi all, my legendary for resto shaman seems to be not dropping from Halls of Atonement second boss. I believe it could be bugged as I have tried farming it countless times in both heroic and mythic, and it did not drop so far.
  2. Hi all, I have recently hit level 60 with my NF resto shaman and realized that neither the Maw nor the callings are open for me. I think there was supposed to be a questline either in the heart of the forest or Oribos to start doing the Maw and torghast, but there does not seem to be anything happening. Is the Maw going to open at a later time or something? Also unrelated question: Can we freely swap between covenants like it is in 9.1.5 right now or is it going to be implemented in later patches with other 9.1.5 features?