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About Neverhot

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  1. everything remained unchanged after deleting the cache folder
  2. exactly i can't. now I try after clearing the cache
  3. And that's the problem. I don't have the quest anymore and I can't find the NPC. I see the quest token on the map but I can't see the NPC. However I try to delete the cache folder.
  4. Hi, I can't take the storyline for Voldun because during the Zuldazar questline I died (mission: the urn of voice maybe). As a result I am unable to take quests for Voldun and I am unable to resume Zandalar's storyline to complete it.
  5. Hi, I'm a paladin 120, I found some problems with Uniting Zandalar Quest, I can't finish this quest because I can't get friendly reputation with Voldun. I complete all quest in Nazrim and I start quest line for Zuldazar. I died and i lost the story line. Now I'm friendly whit Zuldazar but not whit Voldun. I walked around all Voldun searching for quests, but i couldn't find anyone, so i can't finish this "Uniting Zandalar Quest", was that a bug? How can I fix this problem? Any solutions? I open a ticket on game. I sure someone help me. Thanks