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Everything posted by Haggorna

  1. So, at 12 pm there was an update, after that i tried to start the Game, yesterday everything worked fine but now i get this Error https://prnt.sc/tt4rnr whenever i try to start the game.
  2. I have the full client aswell, i opened the wow.exe and waiting for like 10 mins now it's in the Taskmanager but it does nothing and it's using 0% of my internet
  3. i cant
  4. mine is loading long then opens but is all black and closes again with the error
  5. no it doesnt open look at the screenshot i sent
  6. I tried installing the minimal client clean but it's still the same tho
  7. Yeah i know that the realms are down but why can't i even start the game at all? Friend of mine can start it perfectly fine just can't connect to any realm
  8. Title: Hellreaver Transmog Type: Shop Description:  Hey, i heard that we can't get the Polearm "Hellreaver" from Hellfire Ramparts anymore so i think it would be a great idea to add this Item into the Transmog section on the Shop. WoWhead link: https://www.wowhead.com/item=24044/hellreaver&bonus=4077
  9. Title: Azerite Shoulder Piece with bis Traits for Feral Type: Shop Description:  Hello, i was about to spend my money on the Firestorm Shop for some super cool ingame Azerite Pieces. But then i saw, that there is no Shoulder Azerite Piece with the bis Trait for Ferals called "Raking Ferocity". But for chest and head there is one with this Trait. So please add a Shoulder Piece with that Trait so i can spend my money again. Thanks In Love Nightmærè(Best Feral on Server)