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Posts posted by Florix

  1. Title: Engraved Stone Plaque
    Bugtracker Link:

    Patch Content:


    Well, book with a cool back story but it's not opening any page.
    About page_text_locale i wasn't sure which structure is used, the one on TrinityWiki looks weird.
    Data7 ID is custom.



    UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `type`='10',`data7`='237942' WHERE `entry`='237942';
    DELETE FROM `page_text` WHERE `entry`='237942';
    INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES 
    ('237942','In this dark cleft, the true shadows of madness and vengeance took hold, and many faithful Orgrimmar citizens lost their lives.$B$BLet us never forget the lessons that were learned in the siege of Orgrimmar.$B$BApart, we will fall. Together, we are Horde.','0','18935');
    DELETE FROM `page_text_locale` WHERE `ID`='237942';
    INSERT INTO `page_text_locale` (`ID`,`language`,`Name`) VALUES 
    ('237942','2','Dans cette faille sombre, les véritables ombres de la folie et de la vengeance ont fait leur nid, et bien des citoyens fidèles d’Orgrimmar y ont péri.$B$BN’oublions jamais les leçons apprises lors du siège d’Orgrimmar.$B$BDésunis, nous tomberons. Ensemble, nous sommes la Horde.'),
    ('237942','3','In dieser dunklen Kluft regieren die wahren Schatten des Wahnsinns und der Rache, und viele treue Bürger von Orgrimmar ließen ihr Leben.$B$BMögen wir die Lehren aus der Belagerung von Orgrimmar niemals vergessen.$B$BWenn wir nicht zusammenstehen, werden wir scheitern. Als Horde sind wir vereint.'),
    ('237942','6','En esta hendidura oscura, se arraigaron las verdaderas sombras de la locura y la venganza, y muchos ciudadanos fieles de Orgrimmar perdieron la vida.$B$BNunca olvidemos las lecciones que aprendimos en el asedio de Orgrimmar.$B$BSi nos separamos, caeremos. Juntos, somos una Horda.'),
    ('237942','8','В этой темной расселине обосновались истинные тени безумия и мести, и многие жители Оргриммара лишились жизни.$B$BДавайте же не будем забывать уроки, усвоенные нами при осаде Оргриммара.$B$BПорознь мы падем. Вместе мы – Орда.');
    DELETE FROM `page_text_locale` WHERE `ID`='237942';
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `page_text_locale` (`ID`, `locale`, `Text`) VALUES
    ('237942','frFR','Dans cette faille sombre, les véritables ombres de la folie et de la vengeance ont fait leur nid, et bien des citoyens fidèles d’Orgrimmar y ont péri.$B$BN’oublions jamais les leçons apprises lors du siège d’Orgrimmar.$B$BDésunis, nous tomberons. Ensemble, nous sommes la Horde.'),
    ('237942','deDE','In dieser dunklen Kluft regieren die wahren Schatten des Wahnsinns und der Rache, und viele treue Bürger von Orgrimmar ließen ihr Leben.$B$BMögen wir die Lehren aus der Belagerung von Orgrimmar niemals vergessen.$B$BWenn wir nicht zusammenstehen, werden wir scheitern. Als Horde sind wir vereint.'),
    ('237942','esES','En esta hendidura oscura, se arraigaron las verdaderas sombras de la locura y la venganza, y muchos ciudadanos fieles de Orgrimmar perdieron la vida.$B$BNunca olvidemos las lecciones que aprendimos en el asedio de Orgrimmar.$B$BSi nos separamos, caeremos. Juntos, somos una Horda.'),
    ('237942','ruRU','В этой темной расселине обосновались истинные тени безумия и мести, и многие жители Оргриммара лишились жизни.$B$BДавайте же не будем забывать уроки, усвоенные нами при осаде Оргриммара.$B$BПорознь мы падем. Вместе мы – Орда.');



  2. Title: Slimy Mackerel School
    Bugtracker Link:

    Patch Content:

    Empty object without any loot. Data1 might have a different ID



    -- Slimy Mackerel School                     -278403
    UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `Data1`='278403' WHERE  `entry`=278403;
    DELETE FROM `gameobject_loot_template` WHERE `Entry` = 278403;
    INSERT INTO `gameobject_loot_template` (`Entry`, `Item`, `Reference`, `Chance`, `QuestRequired`, `LootMode`, `GroupId`, `MinCount`, `MaxCount`, `Comment`) VALUES
    (278403, 152544, 0, 100, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 'Slimy Mackerel');


  3. Title: Eat Your Greens
    Bugtracker Link:

    Patch Content:

    So, i did the achievement https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=12588/eat-your-greens in Nazmir and noticed, that all the buffs stack. I watched some retail videos where this was not the case.
    Note: each buff gives 10% stat, like crit, mastery and so on
    Note2: the ID 5001 is custom

    Patch Content:


    DELETE FROM `spell_group` WHERE `id`='5001';
    INSERT INTO `spell_group` (`id`,`spell_id`) VALUES 
    DELETE FROM `spell_group_stack_rules` WHERE `group_id`='5001';
    INSERT INTO `spell_group_stack_rules` (`group_id`,`stack_rule`) VALUES 


  4. Your character name: Florix
    Character who you're reporting: Teccanina, Laelitha, Bloodstriker
    Realm: Oribos
    Date of incident: 12/04/22
    Description & Evidence:


    After posting my guild-ad, Teccanina started to write crap about Germans. I've pointed out, that i can report him for the stuff he is typing but he continued and others joined.

    The world_en chat should not be a place for this kind of bevaivor in a 12+ rated game and there need to be harder sanctions.




  5. Title: Great Sea Catfish School
    Bugtracker Link:

    Patch Content:

    Empty object without any loot. Data1 might have a different ID

    Patch Content:



    -- Great Sea Catfish School                       -278399
    UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `Data1`='278399' WHERE  `entry`=278399;
    DELETE FROM `gameobject_loot_template` WHERE `Entry` = 278399;
    INSERT INTO `gameobject_loot_template` (`Entry`, `Item`, `Reference`, `Chance`, `QuestRequired`, `LootMode`, `GroupId`, `MinCount`, `MaxCount`, `Comment`) VALUES
    (278399, 152547, 0, 100, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 'Great Sea Catfish');


  6. Title: Beastmaster Tagh
    Bugtracker Link:

    Patch Content:

    NPC missing 3 Quests.


    Patch Content:






    DELETE FROM `creature_queststarter` WHERE `id`='80833';
    INSERT INTO `creature_queststarter` (`id`,`quest`) VALUES
    DELETE FROM `creature_questender` WHERE `id`='80833';
    INSERT INTO `creature_questender` (`id`,`quest`) VALUES
    UPDATE `creature_template` SET `npcflag`='3' WHERE `entry`='80833';


  7. Title: Out of the Chains
    Bugtracker Link:

    Patch Content:

    The required quest item https://www.wowhead.com/item=110664/bloodmaul-slave-key does not drop from https://www.wowhead.com/npc=78778/rugrum-the-pit-boss

    Patch Content:





    DELETE FROM `creature_loot_template` WHERE `entry`='78778' AND `item`='110664';
    INSERT INTO `creature_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `lootmode`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`, `shared`) VALUES 
    (78778, 110664, -71, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0);


  8. Title: Usuri Brightcoin
    Bugtracker Link:

    Patch Content:

    Comment from 4.0.1  "As of patch 4.0.1 this vendor has no items but she'll still buy your junk."
    Comment from 7.0.3 "Seems to be still the case... She has nothing to sell. Wish Blizzard wouldn't abandon NPCs like this."

    Patch Content:



    DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry`='35790' AND `item` IN ('40752','45624','40753','47241');


  9. Title: Spirit Drinker
    Bugtracker Link:

    Patch Content:

    The Bonus Quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=57591/spirit-drinker does not provide any reputation, which was odd for me. I checked on Youtube and several videos, showing how players got reputation from this quest. And of course, there are more quest with this ID but only 57591 is available on Firestorm.
    I'm not really used to quest_template_addon so bear with me for any mistakes.


    UPDATE `quest_template_addon` SET `RequiredMinRepFaction`='2417',`RequiredMaxRepFaction`='2417',`RequiredMinRepValue`='15',`RequiredMaxRepValue`='15'  WHERE `ID`='57591';


  10. Title: Nixi Fireclaw
    Bugtracker Link:

    Patch Content:

    This vendor https://www.wowhead.com/npc=32334/nixi-fireclaw used to sell https://www.wowhead.com/item=43236/stars-sorrow in WotLK but  it got removed in later a patch. This item cannot be bought by players because of unavailable currency.

    Patch Content:




    DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry`='32334' AND `item`='43236';



  11. Title: Demonic Gateway
    Bugtracker Link:

    Patch Content:

    Shortly after a Server Restart, i have spotted this random Demonic Gateway in Stormsong Valley which does not belong there. For sure it is from a sniff which has not been removed yet.

    Patch Content:



    DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE `ID`='59262' AND `ZoneID`='9042';
