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Everything posted by Jaxaron

  1. Yeah, i tried the analyze and repair, not sure if that helped. Though it actually works now! Yaay! The other thing I did was to move the contents of the Firestorm launcher out from its folder, directly into the applications folder, I'd guess that did the trick. However, the first loading screen into the game world takes a loooong time to load, i'll see what I can do about that. How do I reset the account folder, maybe that can help too?
  2. Yeah, I figured that out, but that doesn't work for the addon settings, which are a problem too (I'm playing on Wineskin at the moment). The login screen is the first one before entering the world, it just freezes there, everytime.
  3. Edit: One more question, with the new version of the launcher we don't need a mac client, am I right? Because that's what I thought was missing, but it's in the files already. If that's the case, what else is causing the problems?
  4. Hi, sorry for the delayed answer. Well, this is good, however, it doesn't really help me. I downloaded the full client, and it contained a WoW.app just as you said it would, it wasn't there the last time. First I tried to open that app normally, and nothing happened, it just bounced in the dock for a long time and nothing more. Then I tried to open it through Terminal and I could enter the game, even though it doesn't remember my settings when I log in. The loading screen problem is still there however, it freezes in the beginning. Then I tried with the launcher, I clicked the "already installed?" button, and let it do its thing. It's the same behaviour here, I can't get past the loading screen. Does it work for you with that client?
  5. Hi there, Thank you for the guide, it's really helpful! However, i've run into some problems. First off, the launcher works, it opens like normal. On to the downloading of the game. The link given above to the Mac Client doesn't work. It would be nice to set up a new one maybe! My guess is that my problems may be solved with this client. This leaves me with the only choice, to let the launcher install the game. Here, the real problems begin. It installed the game, took its time indeed, but anyway. When I open it, it doesnt behave like it should – I can log in, create a character, but the loading screen into the world takes like ages, and sometimes (quite often actually, maybe at random) it freezes. I've gotten into the world a couple of times and just tried to log back out again and exit the game. When exiting from the login-page, it freezes once again (every time actually). Also, inside the game there is indeed a lot of loading to do I guess, it's really prone to lagging and long loading times. I tried to open the Keybindings-window for instance, which should just pop up, there the game got stuck too. Any advice, what can I do? Is this all about the game trying to load stuff, or have I done something wrong?