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Everything posted by magnomax

  1. Ok, so i wasn't able to play Legion on retail before coming onto Firestorm. SO i think i screwed up when talking to Thor'n. I just picked up my Frost DK weapon and also somehow picked up the the weapon for the blood DK class too. but after that i am unable to use him to tp to my class hall. so i used my death gate but I don't have enough order points to do anything on the map and i can't use the eye portal to go to the second floor anymore. Is there any way to fix this stuff or do I need to take part in some quest chain I don't know of?
  2. what do you mean horsemen? if you mean the DK quest in the starting zone to get your death charger its more or less the same as in retail if a bit buggy.
  3. there is an option the lord has to teleport to class hall i tried it before and it didn't work but it does now for some reason hope this helps. Also it seems to me only the Artifact lord in dalaran can TP you to your hall.
  4. I haven't had any luck with DH either so if you figure it out i would really appreciate you letting me know
  5. OK so i did that right so why is the class hall not working is there something i need to still do to get the hall fully operational. right now I am unable to access the floor that has the rune forges and the forge for my new weapon.
  6. sorry I don't know what you mean. Wasn't I supposed to get the mission to get my weapons first? Then get access to my hall? Also did the legion server just vanish or is it just me?