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Everything posted by Zoot

  1. https://gyazo.com/d01003f37e6df8aefa392319ddb25a8d Wow would you look at that bro i don't see you on the ladder @Vinders where u @ boi? the 2.2 bracket?
  2. Im just the best Hunter to ever grace the game what can i say? imagine me and junash taking over wherever we go
  3. Wintrade by the way
  4. Imagine crying for a GLADIATOR title LOOOOL wtf ur life come to u trashcan, rival on Wod hardstuck 2.2k i gatekept u so u had to come to legion, im best mop wod and legion undisputable. kids crying for a gladiator title never cringed so much in all my life
  5. every single 1 of u are trashcans crying over a Gladiator title LOL can u imagine holy shit
  6. Title: Arena Spectator WoD Type: In-game Description:  I'd like to suggest this because basically I am the best player to ever play this game and I get alot of frequent requests to see my gameplay. Players can learn from the better players of the server if you implement this feature. Pretty sure everybody will want it I see no disadvantages of having this.
  7. R u genuinely ok pal?
  8. I agree it's about time their implemented catch up cap. Impossible to actually achieve rating an have fun when you're getting farmed by no geared plebs.. This would benefit all. =)