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Everything posted by Cara

  1. How did you farm me 16:0, when I got the most rank one titles on WoD, on 3 different classes and comps? Haven’t even played jungle, otherwise would have gotten another 3. also, even if. Firestorm is all about comps and bugs. It was never about skill. You can be the best player in the world and still lose to 1.800 people because they play broken classes. Assas Rogues currently on BfA prepatch is the prove for it. 1.800 Rogues winning rank one players because of broken class. You aren’t even 2k on Live. Idk why you speak to me, who literally plays Druid as an 5th alt and is higher on it thwn you ever will be.
  2. You are legit the most arrogant and delusional one out here. You are horrible at every single class you play. You judge by your irrelevant rank one, which you have achieved in WoD during season 2. When Jungle was unbeatable. EveryAnd the only reason why you have gotten it, is because you got free boosted by Junash and Jack. Literally every 1.500 Hunter can get rank one by queuing with them and getting coached. Why aren’t they playing with you on live? Because both know you are disgustingly awful. You even made fun of Vale on WoD all the time, but after he has gotten Glad on live, you suddenly wanted to play with him. And he legit ditched you and said you are garbage. Can show char logs if you want. Get off your high ross. Also, if I’m not represented at any class. Come and let’s wargame eachother on Live or Firestorm. You can choose. I’ll stomp you on both. Doesn’t matter for me. Oh forgot, you are now playing on that dead, non competitive MOP server, because your you couldn’t make it on Live not Firestorm. It seems like you love to play on non competitive servers, so you can make sure you 100% get glad. However, if you are so good as you claim, let’s do wargames on BfA (Live) or Legion (Firestorm). Let me know.
  3. Anyway, here is my list and this isn’t biased. Death Knight: Unholy Darkmovie (retired) Frost, Me. Shaman: Resto: Me, Elemental, Me/Izigang & Finn, Enhancement, Me: DH: Havoc. Me only Priest: Disc, Jack (retired), Me & kojisan. Shadow: no one. Paladin: Ret, Vale. Holy: Xanara, Hecly, Me. Druid: Resto, Me, Finn & Drass. Feral: no one. Boomkin: no one. Hunter: no one. Rogue: Kojisan Monk: no one Mage: Kojisan Warlock: Hyoka only Warrior: Izigang only
  4. The list of certain people made me really cringe. Not that most of them are really biased, but also most people in the list are not even 2.200 on Live, nor in the Firestorm ladder. Only good people I remember of, are: Mordz, Jack; Izigang & Vale. Others are not worth even worth mentioning, nor are being found on retail or Firestorm ladder. And again. These lists are 100% biased.
  5. Greymane Needs: Remove requirement for wearing 2 Legendaries. Note: Order resources barely dropp and forcing people to farm 9.100 Order Resources in order to equip 2 Legendaries on a PvP Realm isn't a good choice. Add the vendors "Lieutenant Surtess" & "Captain Roberts" in Starter Area to Greymane. Note: They sell transmog, Tabards and enchants. They exist on Sylvanas. I don't know why they shouldn't exist on Greymane as well. Add the Vendor "Marshal Frazer" to Starter Arena on Greymane. Note: You can remove the normal gear, due to free s3 vendor, which would be abused to obtain free 880+ gear. But add elite gear at least. Lower the requirement costs for Illusions, Enchants & Gems. Suggestions: Glyphs: 5 Mark of Honor Enchants: 35 Mark of Honor Illusions: 60 Mark of Honor for normal ones; 75 Mark of Honor for Glorious Tyranny & Primal Victory. Mounts: 80 Mark of Honor for casual mounts; 120 Mark of Honor for Gladiator Mounts. Note: The prices are ridiculous at the moment and unrealistic. I've done more than 100 wins on 4 characters and i don't have 200 Marks of Honor in total... Plus you removed the daily quests, which allowed people to get an maximum of 50 Marks of Honors daily. Add more Mounts Suggestion: Ratstallion - 138387 Flametalon of Alysrazor - 71665 Reins of the Corrupted Dreadwing - 123974 Smoldering Egg of Millagazor - 69224 Corrupted Egg of Millagazor - 69230 Felfire Hawk - 69226 Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger - 52200 Flameward Hippogryph - 69213 Defiled Reins - 141216 Crimson Water Strider - 87791 Flameward Hippogryph - 69213 Fossilized Raptor - 60954 Grand Expedition Yak - 84101 Invincible - 50818 Winged Guardian - 69846 Note: All of them for the suggested amount above. 80 Mark of Honors for each Mount. Add previous Gladiator Tabards. List: Relentless Gladiator's Tabard - 49086 Furious Gladiator's Tabard - 45983 Wrathful Gladiator's Tabard - 51534 Primal Gladiator's Tabard - 115972 Wild Gladiator's Tabard (Horde) - 127365 Wild Gladiator's Tabard (Alliance) - 127366 Warmongering Gladiator's Tabard (Horde) - 127371 Warmongering Gladiator's Tabard (Alliance) - 127369 Note: These Tabards aren't currently avaiable anywhere, not even on Shop. They are really unique and a part of PvP. They should 100% be obtainable. Suggestion: 1.800 in rated 2v2/3v3 or Rated Battlegrounds + 50 Marks of Honor for each Tabard. Add the old daily quests back to Greymane or created new ones, so people have the oppertunity, to farm Marks of Honors daily, instead of having to deal with the bugged reward system, which rarely ever dropps Marks of Honor. Add the old (WoD Tournament) Transmog System on Greymane Note: Transmog Vendors on Greymane currently do not exist at all, and they are a huge part of a PvP Realm in my opinion. Something players aim for and a motivation. There always have been a part of all PvP Realms i played with on every server. I think a transmog system like we had back in WoD Tournament would be a great addition to this realm. Apply a fix to Legendaries. Currently you can't use Illusions on Legendaries. Apply a fix to Illusions. Some Illusions aren't acc wide. They all supposed to be acc-wide. Theres still some improvements, which have to be done, but these are major ones, which in my opinion should be considered and are really important for the Realm. Let me know, what you you people think about this. Open to any suggestions/changes.
  6. Has absolutely nothing to do with being lazy to level up. I have every class at 110 on Sylvanas, but i do not play it, neither i am interested to do so. I don’t like the PvE of the game, which is why i play on Greymane. I don’t have to worry about farming Honor Talents or Gear, in order to queue arena or a battleground. Which i have to do on Sylvanas. I think that makes quiet sense. Regardless the level part and starter gear. On Sylvanas you get way better gear and faster traits due to PvE than on Greymane. PvE isn’t an opportunity for us, which makes people from Sylvanas have a huge advantage over us. There’s a lot of others stuff as well. Such as having the opportunity to obliterate gear etc.
  7. We are already 33 Members. Let’s go, get that 100!!
  8. Please keep this thread clean and untoxic. You can argue in a friendly manner.
  9. Why not? This isn’t live. This is a custom PvP realm. PvP tabards are a part of PvP and has always been on every single instant PvP realm i have played on in the past. Relentless and Furious Tabards are from wotlk. No one played Firestorm during wotlk, so there was never an opportunity to obtain these Tabards. Absolute 0 reason to not make them obtainable for players, unless you can give me a reason why they shouldn’t add Tabards from previous expansion, which they btw already do for some Tabards on the shop. You cannot compare live, to a custom instant PvP realm in any aspect.
  10. Thanks guys.
  11. There’s a mistake, since I can’t edit. Frostshock has no pvp modifier.
  12. Greetings. Due to some inbalance in current PvP. I have decided to make a list of current 7.3.5 spell modifiers. I am sure this is helpful as i know from trusted sources that there are a lack of pvp modifiers currently, which leads in classes/speccs doing more healing or damage than they are supposed to do. Note: For some specs there are might 1-2 modifiers missing. This is because i do not have all classes, such as specs and aritfact weapons on Live. However, this is so far all i could find. Theres probally maximal 5 missing, if any. Druid Boomkin Bear Form 73% [Health] (Balance, Feral, Restoration) ; 63% [Armor] (Balance, Feral, Restoration) Starfall: 50% in PvP Moonfire 50% (Balance) in PvP Moonkin Form 63% [Armor] in PvP Rake 80%, 50% Stealth in PvP Shred 50% in PvP Solar Wrath 140% in PvP Sunfire 50% (Balance) in PvP Bladed Feathers 50% in PvP Echoing Stars 75% in PvP Shooting Stars 50% in PvP Feral Ashamane's Frenzy: 50% in PvP Bear Form 73% [Health] (Balance, Feral, Restoration) ; 63% [Armor] (Balance, Feral, Restoration) Infected Wounds: 60% in PvP Moonfire 80% (Feral) in PvP Rake 80%, 25% Stealthed in PvP Shred 40% Stealthed Feral Instinct 50% in PvP Bloodletter's Frailty 50% in PvP Brutal Slash 60% in PvP Lunar Inspiration 80% in PvP Guardian Frenzied Regeneration: 50% in PvP Maul: 53% in PvP Rage of the Sleeper: 10% in PvP Rake 80%, 50% Stealth in PvP Shred 50% in PvP Resto Bear Form 73% [Health] (Balance, Feral, Restoration) ; 63% [Armor] (Balance, Feral, Restoration) Frenzied Regeneration: 50% in PvP Lifebloom: 150% in PvP Tranquility; 200% in PvP Swiftmend 140% in PvP Deep Rooted 57% in PvP Paladin Holy Flash of Light 150% in PvP Holy Shock: 110% Heal; 50% Damage in PvP Holy Light 160% in PvP Protection Hand of the Protector: 40% in PvP Avenger's Shield: 50% in PvP Shield of the Righteous: 50% in PvP Flash of Light 150% in PvP Forbearant Faithful 40% in PvP Retribution Execution Sentence: 80% in PvP Justicar's Vengeance: 50% in PvP Blade of Justice 91% in PvP Flash of Light 150% in PvP Divine Storm 93% in PvP Templar's Verdict 93% in PvP Demon Hunter Havoc First Blood: 67% in PvP Soul Rending: 40% in PvP Chaos Blades: 95% in PvP Fury of the Illidari: 70% in PvP Metamorphosis 40% in PvP Nemesis 50% [Timer]; 60% [Increase Damage] Fel Barrage 70% in PvP Vengeance Shattered Souls: 80% in PvP Priest Discipline Power Word: Shield: 110% [Discipline] in PvP Atonement: 125% in PvP Light's Wrath 50% [Overloaded with Light] in PvP Holy Heal: 200% in PvP Prayer of Mending: 150% in PvP Flash Heal 160% in PvP Renew 175% in PvP Shadow Vampiric Touch: 85% in PvP Mind Flay 155% in PvP Shadow Word: Pain 80% (Shadow) in PvP Shadowform 200% Void Eruption 40% in PvP Lash of Insanity 67% in PvP Shaman Resto Healing Stream Totem: 140% in PvP Healing Surge: 120% (Restoration) in PvP Healing Wave: 175% in PvP Riptide 115% in PvP Enhancement Stormstrike: 75% in PvP Doom Winds: 60% in PvP Earthen Spike 67% in PvP Ascendance 63% in PvP Elemental Elemental Blast: 85% in PvP Icefury: 65%[Damage] 63% [Increase Damage] in PvP Earth Shock: 63% in PvP Frost Shock: 80% in PvP (Icefury) Stormkeeper: 50% in PvP Mastery: Elemental Overload: 75% [Damage] Warlock Destro Backdraft: 50% in PvP Shadowburn: 80% in PvP Reverse Entropy: 50% in PvP Demon Skin: 50% in PvP Chaos Bolt: 115% in PvP Demonology Implosion:70% in PvP Demon Skin: 50% in PvP Grimoire of Synergy: 75% in PvP Doom 85% in PvP Thal'kiel's Consumption 66% in PvP Soul Skin 75% in PvP Doom, Doubled 33% in PvP Affliction Demon Skin: 50% in PvP Agony 85% in PvP Corruption 85% in PvP Drain Soul 115% in PvP Unstable Affliction 110% in PvP Warrior Arms Focused Rage: 50% in PvP Execute: 115% in PvP Mortal Strike 75% in PvP Rend 85% in PvP Defensive Stance 200% in PvP Fury Execute: 115% in PvP Enrage: 50% in PvP (Vulnerability) Bloodthirst 75% in PvP Protection Shield Block: 40% in PvP Ignore Pain: 80% in PvP Booming Voice 50% [Rage]; 60% [Increase Damage] in PvP Death Knight Blood Death Strike: 50% in PvP Frost Breath of Sindragosa: 60% in PvP Death Strike: 50% in PvP Chains of Ice 71% in PvP Piller of Frost 60% in PvP Sindragosa's Fury 40% in PvP Frozen Core 50% in PvP Unholy Epidemic: 85% in PvP Dark Arbiter: 60% in PvP Death Strike: 50% in PvP Outbreak: 45% in PvP (Virulent Plague) Summon Gargoyle: 67% in PvP Chains of Ice 71% in PvP Portal to the Underworld 80% in PvP Mage Arcane Rune of Power: 70% in PvP Unstable Magic: 60% in PvP (Arcane) Overpowered: 64% in PvP Arcane Power 63% in PvP Fire Rune of Power: 70% in PvP Meteor: 70% in PvP Flamestrike: 90% in PvP Fireball: 175% in PvP Pyroblast: 70% in PvP Frost Rune of Power: 70% in PvP Ice Lance: 120% in PvP Flurry 95% in PvP Ebenbolt 90% in PvP Glacial Spike 90% in PvP Frigid Winds 67% in PvP Chilled to the Core 50% in PvP Hunter Beast Mastery Barrage: 80% in PvP A Murder of Crows: 65% in PvP Cobra Shot: 75% in PvP Kill Command: 80% in PvP Marksmanship Barrage: 80% in PvP A Murder of Crows: 65% in PvP Piercing Shot: 50% in PvP Aimed Shot: 105% in PvP Marked Shot: 70% in PvP Sidewinders 90% in PvP Rapid Killing 60% in PvP Survival A Murder of Crows: 65% in PvP Caltrops: 80% [Damage]; 71% [Slow] in PvP Steel Trap: 30% in PvP Mongoose Bite: 70% in PvP Rogue Assassination Nightstalker: 50% in PvP Death from Above: 50% in PvP Crimson Vial: 50% in PvP Feint: 60% in PvP Wound Poison: 80% in PvP (Health) Crippling Poison: 60% in PvP (Slow) Rupture: 75% in PvP Blood of the Assassinated 30% in PvP Bag of Tricks 60% in PvP Outlaw Death from Above: 50% in PvP Between the Eyes: 50% in PvP (Crit Bonus Damage) Crimson Vial: 50% in PvP Feint: 60% in PvP Pistol Shot: 60% in PvP (Slow) Subtlety Nightstalker: 50% in PvP Death from Above: 50% in PvP Crimson Vial: 50% in PvP Feint: 60% in PvP Eviscerate: 85% in PvP Nightblade: 85% [Damage]; 60% [Slow] in PvP Shadowstrike: 70% in PvP Symbols of Death 67% [Damage] Monk Brewmaster !NO SPELL MODIFIERS EXISTING! Mistweaver Summon Jade Serpent Statue: 80% in PvP (Soothing Mist) Revival: 200% in PvP Soothing Mist: 80% in PvP Blackout Kick 110% in PvP Life Cocoon 110% in PvP Rising Sun Kick 90% in PvP Windwalker Hit Combo: 50% in PvP Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger: 60% in PvP Serenity: 40% in PvP Fists of Fury: 80% in PvP Strike of the Windlord: 60% in PvP Storm, Earth, and Fire: 90% in PvP Rising Sun Kick 90% in PvP Blackout Kick 110% in PvP Touch of Death 25% in PvP Transfer the Power 60% in PvP
  13. Hello there. I have realized that a lot of spells in PvP do not have PvP multipliers, which results in certain spells doing way too much damage or way too much healing inside PvP instances. This is why i have made the list, but also for people who are interested in what spells are nerfed in PvP. But first i am linking the Manaregeneration of all Healers in PvP instances, as certain healers never seem to go oom. Druid (Resto): 80% Manaregeneration in PvP Instances Shaman (Resto): 80% Manaregeneration in PvP Instances Holy Paladin: 80% Manaregeneration in PvP Instances For the other healers i have no info,since i don't have traits on certain heal speccs, but i assume that every healer in PvP Instances has base 80% Manaregeneration: Along this, i also have made a list with all hotfixxes and changes in 7.1.5. All of this should help of getting PvP a little bit better. I hope so at least. Have fun. Link: 7.1.5 Hotfixxes and Changes Source of Info: PvP Tooltips (Addon) & Warcraft Site/MMO Champion Druid Boomkin Starfall: 75% in PvP Feral Ashamane's Frenzy: 50% in PvP Rake: 80% in PvP Infected Wounds: 60% in PvP Guardian Frenzied Regeneration: 50% in PvP Maul: 400% in PvP Rage of the Sleeper: 10% in PvP Resto Frenzied Regeneration: 50% in PvP Lifebloom: 150% in PvP Tranquility; 200% in PvP Paladin Holy Holy Shock: 50% in PvP Protection Hand of the Protector: 65% in PvP Avenger's Shield: 50% in PvP Shield of the Righteous: 50% in PvP Retribution Execution Sentence: 80% in PvP Justicar's Vengeance: 50% in PvP Demon Hunter Havoc First Blood: 67% in PvP Soul Rending: 40% in PvP Chaos Blades: 75% in PvP Fury of the Illidari: 70% in PvP Vengeance Shattered Souls: 80% in PvP Priest Discipline Power Word: Shield: 125% in PvP Atonement: 125% in PvP Holy Heal: 200% in PvP Prayer of Mending: 150% in PvP Shadow Vampiric Touch: 90% in PvP Shaman Resto Healing Stream Totem: 125% in PvP Healing Surge: 120% in PvP Healing Wave: 200% in PvP Enhancement Stormstrike: 80% in PvP Doom Winds: 60% in PvP Elemental Elemental Blast: 80% in PvP Icefury: 65% in PvP Earth Shock: 75% in PvP Frost Shock: 80% in PvP (Icefury) Stormkeeper: 50% in PvP Mastery: Elemental Overload: 80% in PvP (Lavaburst) Warlock Destro Backdraft: 50% in PvP Shadowburn: 80% in PvP Reverse Entropy: 50% in PvP Demon Skin: 50% in PvP Chaos Bolt: 125% in PvP Demonology Implosion:80% in PvP Demon Skin: 50% in PvP Grimoire of Synergy: 75% in PvP Affliction Demon Skin: 50% in PvP Warrior Arms Focused Rage: 40% in PvP Execute: 115% in PvP Fury Execute: 115% in PvP Enrage: 50% in PvP (Vulnerability) Protection Shield Block: 40% in PvP Ignore Pain: 80% in PvP Death Knight Blood Death Strike: 50% in PvP Frost Breath of Sindragosa: 60% in PvP Death Strike: 50% in PvP Unholy Epidemic: 85% in PvP Dark Arbiter: 60% in PvP Death Strike: 50% in PvP Outbreak: 45% in PvP (Virulent Plague) Summon Gargoyle: 67% in PvP Mage Arcane Rune of Power: 70% in PvP Unstable Magic: 60% in PvP (Arcane) Overpowered: 64% in PvP Fire Rune of Power: 70% in PvP Meteor: 70% in PvP Flamestrike: 90% in PvP Fireball: 175% in PvP Pyroblast: 70% in PvP Frost Rune of Power: 70% in PvP Ice Lance: 120% in PvP Hunter Beast Mastery Barrage: 50% in PvP A Murder of Crows: 65% in PvP Cobra Shot: 75% in PvP Kill Command: 80% in PvP Marksmanship Barrage: 50% in PvP A Murder of Crows: 65% in PvP Piercing Shot: 50% in PvP Aimed Shot: 105% in PvP Marked Shot: 80% in PvP Survival A Murder of Crows: 65% in PvP Caltrops: 80% in PvP Steel Trap: 30% in PvP Mongoose Bite: 70% in PvP Rogue Assassination Nightstalker: 50% in PvP Death from Above: 50% in PvP Crimson Vial: 50% in PvP Feint: 60% in PvP Wound Poison: 80% in PvP (Heal) Crippling Poison: 60% in PvP (Slow) Rupture: 75% in PvP Outlaw Death from Above: 50% in PvP Between the Eyes: 50% in PvP (Crit Bonus Damage) Crimson Vial: 50% in PvP Feint: 60% in PvP Pistol Shot: 60% in PvP (Slow) Subtlety Nightstalker: 50% in PvP Death from Above: 50% in PvP Crimson Vial: 50% in PvP Feint: 60% in PvP Eviscerate: 85% in PvP Nightblade: 85% in PvP Shadowstrike: 70% in PvP Monk Brewmaster !NO SPELL MODIFIERS EXISTING! Mistweaver Summon Jade Serpent Statue: 90% in PvP (Soothing Mist) Revival: 200% in PvP Soothing Mist: 90% in PvP Windwalker Hit Combo: 50% in PvP Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger: 60% in PvP Serenity: 55% in PvP Fists of Fury: 85% in PvP Strike of the Windlord: 60% in PvP Storm, Earth, and Fire: 90% in PvP
  14. Item level advantage is there but it’s not that noticeable and i can imagine the cap will reset more than once a week on Greymane, to let us catch up faster to players from Sylvanas. And once again. Greymane will be a PvP realm. What’s the point of a PvP realm when you have to farm everything? People want to play on a pvp realm because they are tired of all the farming. I agree you have to make a balance between the 2 realms otherwise it would be kinda unfair in some way, but we already have to farm Artifact Power. Farming honor talents aswell, we just be too much. Especially on 7.1.5 where the farming isn’t nerfed by 50%.
  15. Hey. I was wondering what patch you going to make after 7.1.5? There is rumors that Firestorm will directly go to 7.3. However, I think 7.2.5 was 1 of the best patches, especially in the PvP aspect and it shouldn’t be skipped. I suggest to go to 7.2.5 first then later on jump to 7.3. Kind Regards, Cara
  16. It won’t be on Sylvanas, obviously. Greymane is PvP based only. So having auto prestige 1 from begging isn’t a big deal. On the other side, Sylvanas has PvE content which Greymane doesn’t have. So people on sylvanas technically have more sources of getting good gear fast and easy, meanwhile we have to wait for weekly cap. If you are more into PvP, you should play Greymane then instead. I can understand that people from Sylvanas are mad about it, but cmon, these are only talents. They are accessible to everyone and aren’t an advantage. It’s just to safe people’s time and not letting them go through the same progress all the time when they make alts. It will become really annoying and stressful.
  17. He can do it himself if he wants to. I don’t wanna leak any privat conversations without asking for permission. He agreed that we will start with prestige 1, means we will have all honor talents from beginning. You can believe me or not. Up to you. That’s what I have been told by him yesterday.
  18. I had deep conversation with him yesterday about it and i could convince him to give people all honor talents in the start since the farming requires too time to farm. So we will start from prestige 1. However, the AP grind won’t be changend and you will have to farm AP but with 25AK it’s not a big deal. Goes super fast.
  19. Farming Artifact Power isn’t a big deal, especially with 25 AK. And I’d rather farm Artifact Power than Honor Talents. But since it’s already confirmed that we will have Prestige 1 from begging it’s not a concern anymore. And for the ones who complain: Every change in PvP on Greymane will affect Sylvanas aswell, since Greymane will be crossrealmd with Sylvanas. Means, they have to find a balance between both realm so others don’t get an advantage of it. And honestly. We can be happy that we have the ability to crossrealm with a pve realm. On most servers it would never happen. For the gear advantage it’s whatever, not really big of a deal and when you are the better player, you will most likely win, even with less stats. But wouldn’t mind if they would increase the starter item level to 860 instead of 840. And yes, 3s should be rewarded. You can trust me, on greymane the 3s rating will be up to 3k rating. It was on 2,8 back in WoD Tournament realm when on the pve realm it was barley 2,4. 3v3 will become active again with the tournament realm especially since of cross realm.
  20. Here is a script of mine of things, I’d like to see. Please let me know, what you think about it. (ignore the VIP stuff, since you already using a different vip system) 💡 PvP Arena Realm Script/Ideas 📒 🔴 General: ➖ Demon Hunter & Death Knights no level requirement ➖ Enough Artifact Power for 34 Traits ➖ Enable all Honortalents from start ➖ Enable 3rd relict from start ➖ insta log out in every area if out of combat ➖ command that /afk automatically leaves the arena or bg after you type it (blizzlike) ➖ ready check configuration after you queue for 2v2,3v3, Bg‘ or RBG’S (blizzlike) ➖ remove time and amount from drinks, food, flaks and poisons ➖ make old legendaries transmogable ➖ make that you can transmog any art gear. EG: Warrior can transmog plate into leather or Mage can transmog cloth into mail etc. ➖ Do not separate the ladder on Greymane from Sylvanas. It should be 1 ladder also when it comes to cut offs and arena rewards. 🔴 Gear: ➖ 840 base item level vendor for gear and relics for every slot. ➖ Remove random chance of getting gear/relics from 2v2/3v3, Bg‘s or Rbg‘s, since there will be a vendor for gear. ➖ Make a vendor that sells 840+ item level gear and relics for rating. The more rating you have, the better the gear is you can purchase. List: 📜 1.750/1.700 = 845/840 item level 1.850/1.800 = 855/850 item level 1.950/1.900 = 865/860 item level 2.050/2.000 = 875/870 item level 2.150/2.100 = 985/880 item level 2.250/2.200 = 895/890 item level 2.350/2.300 = 905/900 item level 2.400/ ➿ = 915/910 item level ➖ Random chance of elite gear after 2.000 rating in 2v2 or 3v3 (Blizzlike) ➖ Vendor for all 3 or 4 Artifact Weapons 🔴 Vendors: ➖ Gear and Relic Vendor (stated above) ➖ Flying and Grind Mounts Vendor (seperated) 🆓 Casual mounts for free 🆓 🔮Unique mounts require specific arena/. rbg rating + MoH 🔮 (Can make a list If needed) Example: ➖ Consumables Vendor which includes Flaks, Food, Water/Arena-Water, Poisons, Buffs, Roles etc. 🆓 (No currency, for free) 🆓 Example: ➖ Transmog Vendor, including every tier. 🔰 PvE transmog for MoH 🔰 PvP transmog for MoH + Arena/RBG rating (Can make a list If needed) Example: Example: ➖Weapon Transmog Vendor: 🔰 Requires only MoH Example: ➖ Legion Legendaries Vendor which requires Arena/RBG Rating + MoH. More powerful ones will require more rating than others 🔶2.200 normal ones 🔷2.400 op ones ➖ Vendor for older Legendaries like Thunderfury or Shadowmourne which require arena/rbg rating + MoH 🔶2.200+ Casual ones 🔷2.400+ Thunderfury, SM, Glaives Example: ➖ Vendor for Custom Gear, Mounts and Shirts. Arena/RBG + MoH requirement. (Can make a list If needed) ➖ Vendor for Tabards. Gladiator Tabards require arena rating+ MoH 🔶2.200: TBC-WOD Glad Tabards 🔷2.400: Legion Glad Tabards Example: ➖ Shirt Vendor 🆓 (no currency, for free) 🆓 Example: ➖ Transmog Vendor ➖ Profession Trainer Vendor Example: (add picture to the vendor to make it more unique) ➖ Profession Material Vendor Example: ➖ Gem Vendor ➖ Guild Vendor (remove requirments for signatures) ➖ Entchant Vendor Some require only 3v3 Rating + MoH, others will be for MoH only. (Can make a list If needed) ➖ Artifact Apparance Vendor 🔴 Features/NPC ➖ Spectate NPC 👀 ➖ Solo-Que NPC 👤 ➖ 1v1 NPC 👥 ➖ PvP Dummys and normal Dummys in capital Citys and Duel Zone ⛄️ ➖ Barber NPC 💇🏽‍♂️ ➖ Teleport NPC 💎 Example: ➖ Hunter Pet's NPC 🐒🦇🕷🐅🦖 Example: Example 2: 🔴 Malls & Zones (These will be included in the Teleport NPC) 🌇 ➖ Main Mall ➖ Transmog Mall ➖ Gurubashi ➖ Main Citys for Alliance & Horde ➖ PvE Dungeons, Scenarios, Raids 🔴 PvE Content ➖ Emerald Nightmare (heroic/mythic) ➖ Nighthold ➖ Trial of Valor ➖ mythic + Note: PvE content on arena realms is what keeps them alive and unique. Due to my previous experienc on other servers. Most servers that were only PvP and nothing else, were the one dying. 🔴 Commands ➖ .repair 🛠 ➖ .bank 🏦 ➖ .wargame 👥 🔴 Mark of Honor Currency (MoH) I think it is the best idea to use „Mark of Honor“ as currency in order to buy gear, custom gear, enchants, Shirts, Tabards, Mounts etc. You can earn mark of honors by doing PvP/PvE from rare mobs or Bosses, /Bg‘s/RBG’S, World PvP, such as Gurubashi, Treasures, of Daily quest which for example requires to kill 10 people in gurubashi or win 5 arena matches, 5 Bg‘s or RBG‘s or 5 Dungeons. 🔴 VIP System I thought of reproducing the old VIP system Arena-Tournament had in the past. For those who don’t know of it: You purchase a VIP account on the OMFG site for money. For xy €/$.With this VIP account you have following advantages: ➖ A VIP Island. Only people with a VIP account will have access to that island. ➖ A VIP Mall, where you can purchase free gear, mounts and enchants on every char with exception of the gladiator enchants ➖ A vip mount and shirt ➖ VIP rank on Discord and on the forum ➖ VIP commands. 🔰 .tele vip (gets you to the vip mall) 🔰 .tele vipi (gets you to the vip island) 🔰.appear [playername] (appear to players) ⚠️(won’t work in Arena, Bg’s ,Dungeons or if in combat)⚠️ 🔰.summon [playername] summon players ⚠️(won‘t work in Arena, Bg‘s, Dungeons or if in combat)⚠️ 🚫You also won’t be able to use mounts with more seats, like Mammut or choppers to get your friend who has no VIP account to the mall or island by using the teleport or summon command. While being in the vip mall or island you can only summon people who also have an vip account. When you are on a mount and teleport yourself, it will first dismount you then teleport you, to avoid people trying to get other people to the mall or island.🚫 ❤️ VIP for 6 months: 50€ or 58,69$ 💛 VIP for 1 Year: 80€ or 93,91$ 💜 VIP for 2 Years: 135€ or 158,47$ 📛Times are not stackable. Once you bought one of the packages, you have to wait till the time on your account has ended in order to renew your VIP time 📛
  21. Also please ban any transmog, mount, tabard from sylvanas on greymane. I don't wanna see people running with mounts, transmogs they have earned/donated sylvanas and use it on greymane. Fresh new start for everyone.
  22. Farming Artifact Knowledge shouldn't be a thing on an instant 100 Legion Tournament Realm. The unique thing about an arena server is, that you can join into arenas/bgs very quickly without wasting time to farm something which is necessary for pvp. Of course i agree, that the farming won't take long with 25 AK but if you have more chars and more accounts, it's quiete annoying and it is always the same process so it becomes really really boring also since it is crossrealm with Slyvanas, where most have full traits, you have to do bg's or skirm to get traits before you can do comptitive PvP because traits are insanly important and without traits you are really far behind others: Which means, that you need to farm AP first before you can actuall queue arena, so it is holding some1 back and it's not possible to instant que competitive pvp. Things like 3rd relic Honortalents Traits should be aviable from begining. The rest like gear, mounts, transmogs etc can require farming, since it doesn't affect the pvp in any way and everyone is equal to eachother.
  23. The Mastery of Monks doesn't work as intended. It broke in the last hotfix. However. WW Monks were terrible in 7.1.5 anyway.
  24. Damage of certain spells is reduced in PvP because of PvP templates and modifications.
  25. "PvP Templates".