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Posts posted by Frostmelon

  1. Title: Please let the new spirit beast of SL spawn!

    Type: In-game


    There is a new Spirit beast coming in Shadowlands: It´s the spectral cloud serpent "Elegon" and it's part of the Mogu'shan Vaults Raid, (

    I wanna tame this new unique beast with my beast mastery hunter.


    Could you please make it spawn at least somewhere around the entrance in Kun -Lai Summit ?


    Thank you!


    [not my own picture]



  2. Title: Tidal Guardians in Nazjatar please!

    Type: In-game


    Could you please make Tidal Guardians in Nazjatar spawn?

    It´s a tamable worm beast (link:  and which I want to tame as beast mastery hunter. It should spawn in many numbers (and different colours) in Chitterspine Caverns in the north of Nazjatar (BFA Sethraliss 8.2 content).

    So please let the Tidal Guardians spawn, At least one at a time so I can tame it.

    Alternatives of these beasts are "Voltscale Guardian" and "Tidal Cracklemaw".

    Thank you!


    [not my own picture]



  3. I heard that the big white water strider Hexapos only spawns at one location in dread wastes (a zone in pandaria). I want to tame it as my new pet so does anybody spotted him yet? If yes, where?

    Thank you!

    [not my own picture]
