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Everything posted by Gentle

  1. Title: Transmog Contest Type: In-game Description: So basically, a transmog tournament can be held like, once in a month or so, and the person with the best looking transmog wins a certain prize. Of course it's all about the judge's taste, but nevermind, things what should be considered when scoring this contest would be: 1. First of all, the overall look. 2. Second, the transmog should not be just one set, because that would lack creativity, and it would be too easy, so it would be preferable if at least two or three different sets are included. 3. And it would help if a player found a tabard, cloak and weapon that matches the transmog as well. Edit: This could be done by sending screenshots of a character, but it can also be done in-game, and everyone who applies to the event would be teleported near a GM who would score the transmogs.