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Everything posted by UrsineLord

  1. Is there any list of things that don't work in Battle for Azeroth content? Not a complaint, just looking to not waste time. I am already on Shadowlands Covenant quests as they come available. So far I have found for my character (Void Elf) that: Heart of Azeroth is unobtainable Champions of Azeroth faction cannot turn in any quests/no quests available Shaw's quests don't work Command Table doesn't allow missions Island expeditions drop you in the water in a loop Nazjatar is inaccessible, Greymane does not offer the quest Mechagone you can get to but it's pointless, no quests If there is a list somewhere I would appreciate direction as this is the main leveling content to level 50. Thanks!
  2. *EDIT* Nope, just had to clear the cache and reset my computer as well for some reason. All is well, once the chapters for one region are done you can start the chapters in the other regions. The Scouting Map is bugged for me. I cannot accept any quest as they do not appear on the map when selected. The map itself has an exclamation mark indicating a quest should be available. As you can see I am Level 36 and issue prevents progression with the follower missions. I have already deleted the Cache folder which I've seen was the common recommendation. Any insight or other things that I should try would be much appreciated. Thanks to all who can help.
  3. I clicked on "Shadowlands beta registering" in "My Account" and it has prompted me with "Your Key Here". I have checked my e-mail and there has been no e-mail received. Is this a delay and merely places us in a queue? Is there a delay? Or am I the unfortunate recipient of a glitch? To answer the easy questions: Yes, I did check my junkmail. Yes, I did have Firestorm set to my safe list. No, I am not asking to nag, whine, or jump the queue, just want to understand if there was an issue. Many thanks! P.S. Happy being patient for the wonderful work you do on these servers. (No, not sucking up, the work you all do is awesome!)
  4. champions

    Continuing through the Story you will obtain Nerus Moonfang. Unfortunately the remaining 3 will be uncollected. The quest which typically proceeds Vintidator Boros is not present at this time. Here's hoping they get added soon.