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Everything posted by Alexi

  1. Title: Premium suggestion Type: In-game Description:  Suggesting a yearly Firestorm Gold refund of 30 % out of the total donation in the year . Ie. Player A donated xyz number of times from 01.01.2020, and acquired 1000 coins. On 31.12.2020 player A receives a 300 coins refund. Why? Primarily, the content moves on, further on quite often loot and equipped items are lost due to crashes or other issues, and lastly but not least-ly , shows a dose of appreciation that insipires further support. The very idea is not mine, as its a standard on almost any WoW pserver.
  2. yep, I already wanted to purchase blackrock foundry xmog items from the site, since the raid is " closed " ( mobs 1 shot you ) but its not avaliable. Hope this gets accepted.