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Posts posted by Druidaholic

  1. For soloing YOUR level instances Brewmaster Monk, Prot Paladin, Prot Warrior, Blood DK. Maybe a Hunter. All Tanks can mostly do it and melee classes. Casters are not gonna do anything in soloing content MADE for them.

  2. 1 hour ago, zypherLol said:



    As you can see on the official burning crusade wowwiki it states that the normal 60% flying costs 225 gold . Why is it more expensive here? How am i supposed to grind 1.5k gold in order to get 60% mount when i m starting with 0 copper at the beginning of the game? Can you guys fix this please ? 

    Use ur ground mount. There are even increased drop rates... so thats ur problem. Lvl 1-70 and you have that cash. Dont use 70 boost ;)

  3. LFG

    Skype is a fps drop. "Tournament", really? U pleb lvl a Grommash and arena there. No1 mostly plays tournament besides testing or upgrading hlooms