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Posts posted by rafaelantunez

  1. On 20/2/2024 at 11:09 AM, Terrachad said:


    well.. i didn't write a guide during retail for this but since i know how my felow drooods like the felbear form in this server lets make them all have it fast and easy :D

    i'll try and make things simple and basic so any type of players with any kind of setup can use it easy..  

    first of all  open your talent pane and create a "new loadout" for MGT >> https://ibb.co/m4dSRyZ 

    after its done and saved select your new MGT loadout and clear all actione bars and everything. we'll just have what we need for this challenge on the screen and on the bars.

    open macros pane ( /m )  and create  these macros and put them on your action bars: 

    MGT-1  MGT-2  MGT-3  MGT-4  MGT-5  MGT-6  MGT-7  Rg  Brst   

    (example talent build)  (example setup)  (example action keys) 


    Phase1 :
     you'll start with HoTW and moonfire the boss1  you'll mainly just spam MGT-2 keybind all the time during P1 ,

     MGT-2 will keep shooting boss with moonfire while automaticly clear any eye adds spawn so you don't need to care about them

    just keep running around boss and do not go insid the decay circle

    when boss cast drain life (the DBM alert sound will say "intrupt") press MGT-1 keybind and then move out of circle 

    When "Nether Horrors" spawn Press MGT-5 and pack them up then press (MGT-4  +  Thrash) falowed by Typhoon,

    if anything went wrong just cast massintanglment to root them and get away.

    ( use Rg / frenzy regen )  if something went wrong to heal up. you won't need to use up any holy orbs and will keep them for P2.

    Rg  keybind will spend the clear cast regrowth proc  while making sure you won't shift out of bear by mistake if you hold the key long or press more

    Repeat till Boss1 die and phase2 starts: 


    Phase2 :

    Press Brst keybind and spam Mgt6 + Mgt7 in melee range and Mgt3 at range from boss

    when DBM alarm tells to intrupt press same key as P1 >> Mgt-1

    when Dbm alarm tells Defensive if you are full HP and have bark rdy to use then pop defensives+heals, if not use 1xHoly orb

    you can ignore the beams, don't let them distract you from what you're doing. do not stand in green podels they kill fast.

    when "Nether Horrors" spawn, same as P1 >>> Mgt4+Thrash flowed by typhoon (typhoon will also knock back boss and slow it)

    when you train this once you'll see your fingers will get use to press same combo keys at same situations

    and you won't have to even think about the reactions. just put them in right places that you'll use them confirtable or customize as you wish.

    (example result data)

    Good luck.  o /


    (( about this fight and all the fel on ground and everywhere :D  if you had trouble with staying out of podels becasue your screen gets busy.. 

    there is a vendor at darkmoon camp forest next to where moonfang spawns. she sells a potion that will have the black light effect.

    using it will darken the screen for abit and give all those fel podells a nice shiny flourescent effect with makes them super easy to notice and dodge ;) ))



    ty very much, it will help a friend <3


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  2. 33 minutes ago, fridgemagnet said:

    The tooltip for valor says it is capped at 7500. I earned that now. Was this cap intended for season 1?

    So now my valor does not go up anymore. I cant upgrade anything anymore as i am not earning valor which makes running mythic dungeons as a healer pointless.  The items i do get i wont be able to upgrade.


    Yes but Next monday the cap Will disappear

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  3. Not yet, it was added in 10.0.5 and we are still in 10.0.0. But they are testing the 10.0.5as yu can see in this post of the forum, so we have to wait


  4. 12 hours ago, Tishy said:

    There's been a lot of fear mongering in Oribos world_en about the transfer of characters, with some very vocal voices insisting that the transfer was already done on 9th September, so no new characters or progress will be reflected in DF from after that date.

    It would be helpful to the health of the current server if Firestorm gave us some assurance (even a cut-off date) for when characters will be synchronised, if that is planned.

    Right now we have progression guilds shutting down with "see you in DF" and players wondering whether everything they are doing now will be lost.

    So what do you say, Firestorm?

    The copy was from the beta. When they release the final version they will copy them again. They did the same when they released bfa and shadowlands