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Sobre william7

Firestorm User

  • Nombre Gyy
  • Hermandad Legión del Fénix
  • Clase Paladín
  • Nivel 90
  • Reino Garrosh

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  1. Yo y mi guild logramos vencer a galakras ayer (10 nm). A continuación explicaré todos los problemas que pude observar del encuentro. Empezando por la primera fase: - http://www.wowhead.com/npc=72356/master-cannoneer-dagryn El NPC de la torre norte castea la habilidad http://www.wowhead.com/spell=147824/muzzle-spray, la cuál debería repeler a los jugadores en un cono. Sin embargo lo que hace es repeler a todos los a su alrededor, independientemente de la posición de la textura. - http://www.wowhead.com/npc=72357/lieutenant-krugruk El NPC de la torre sur castea una habilidad similar http://www.wowhead.com/spell=147688/arcing-smash, cuyo efecto debería ser el mismo que el anterior. Sin embarlo, tiene el mismo problema de que la textura del suelo y el área de efecto no se corresponden. Además, este boss debería caminar hacia el centro de la torre antes de empezar a castear esta habilidad, y no lo hace (minuto 5:35 de este vídeo (en inglés)) - Adds del combate. Todos ellos tienen el grave problema de que el tank solo los puede tauntear uno por uno con la habilidad de provocar. De otro modo, los adds persiguen a un jugador aleatoriamente hasta que mueren. Otros problemas más individuales: 1) http://www.wowhead.com/npc=72945/dragonmaw-bonecrusher estos adds castean http://www.wowhead.com/spell=146899/fracture a los líderes de la horda/alianza. Normalmente deberían correr hacia ellos para poder castear esta habilidad, sin embargo en el server pueden castearla a cualquier distancia. Además, estos adds son inmunes por algún motivo a la mayoria de stuns, por lo que es muy difícil evitar la muerte de los líderes (enlace al mismo vídeo que antes). "Afortunadamente", a veces los líderes se bugean y se curan todo el daño que reciben. De otro modo este combate sería imposible ahora mismo. 2) Se supone que debería haber protodracos http://www.wowhead.com/npc=72943/dragonmaw-proto-drake sobrevolando la zona y que deberían ser disparados por las torretas, aunque ahora mismo no los hay 3) Los líderes de la horda/alianza deberían ayudar durante el combate, pero no lo hacen. En particular, http://www.wowhead.com/npc=73909/archmage-aethas-sunreaver#abilities (el cual no aparece durante el combate), debería castear http://www.wowhead.com/spell=148849/flamestrike, lo cual sería de gran ayuda para limpiar los adds. Segunda fase: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=72249/galakras - Galakras castea una bola de fuego http://www.wowhead.com/spell=146992/flames-of-galakrond que explota al alcanzar su objetivo e infige una cierta cantidad de daño que se reduce a medida que la bola atraviesa a otros jugadores. Actualmente, la animación del movimiento de la bola no funciona ni tampoco la reducción del daño aplicada. - Galakras castea http://www.wowhead.com/spell=147042/pulsing-flames cada pocos segundos, inflingiendo daño a todos los jugadores y aumentando su daño de fuego un 3%. El aumento de daño no funciona
  2. pve

    Ok, here's my final veredict: (btw, I am writting in English, but I am not sure right now if this is correct. I speak spanish and french too so just let me know if I should write in a different language) http://www.wowhead.com/spell=145214/unleashed-anger works but it does not scale with http://www.wowhead.com/spell=146124/self-doubt, which is applied to the current tank http://www.wowhead.com/spell=145073/residual-corruption works but it becomes invisible seconds after spawning. Still does the AoE damage http://www.wowhead.com/spell=145064/expel-corruption does not do damage if intercepted or buff the boss. these adds (unleashed essences of corruption) can just be ignored http://www.wowhead.com/spell=146179/frayed summons a wrong add, which does not attack or drop the corruption http://www.wowhead.com/spell=148974/foul-link I could not verify if works. All the damage done to essences and manifestations should be transfered to the boss. The DPS that use the orb to do the test are supposed to stay there for 60 seconds or until all adds are defeated. In some occasions the DPS are held even after all the adds are killed. According to this quote from wowpedia http://wow.gamepedia.com/Norushen_(tactics): "Players start the encounter with 75 points of Corruption. While at this level of Corruption they will inflict 50% less damage to the Amalgam of Corruption. When players reach 0 points of Corruption remaining, they become Purified and will inflict 25% more damage to the Amalgam, with each 25 corruption decreasing their damage by 25%". Here is the appropiate relation of corruption to damage reduction: Corruption Damage (Being 100% the normal damage level) 100 25% 75 50% 50 75% 25 100% 0 125% In Firestorm, it happens that If you have 100 corruption the damage you do is reduced to 0%. I am therefore guessing that having 0 corruption is not giving any bonus damage, although I have not tested that.
  3. pve

    Ok, the damage of Residual corruption works. Still I think that sometimes it disappears without needing to be absorbed.
  4. pve

    We killed Norushen 10 nm in the live server Hellscream a moment ago. I come to report some bugs, although the encounter is fun and works decently overall. - As a tank, I did not notice the damage of http://www.wowhead.com/spell=145214/unleashed-anger, maybe the boss does not cast it at all? -The adds Unleashed Essence of Corruption cast http://www.wowhead.com/spell=145064/expel-corruption, but I think that nor the damage or the buff effect to the boss work -The adds Unleashed Manifestation of Corruption drop http://www.wowhead.com/spell=145073/residual-corruption when killed. I think that the raidwide damage it does until it disappears is not working, although I'm not 100% certain. It also might be possible that pets are able to absorb it. -The healers in my raid said that they did not receive healing bonus when purified, as a tank I can't really tell, at the end we killed the boss by only purifying dps and tanks. What I can say is that I felt like no damage reduction was applied to me after purifying myself. -The Unleashed Manifestations of Corruption spawned by http://www.wowhead.com/spell=146179/frayed are weird, they do not cast or attack, they have a different shape, and they do not leave the residual corruption when killled. -I'm not sure if http://www.wowhead.com/spell=148974/foul-link works. -In the 10 mode version, only 2 purifying light http://www.wowhead.com/npc=72065/purifying-light (orbs) should appear. Instead, there were 5 as in 25 man mode. Also the shape of these orbs is not the propper one.
  5. Qué horarios de raid tenéis?