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Renown not leveling up

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Playing on warlock, I was trying to farm some renown and noticed that instead of leveling up, the point counter goes over (so like 2400 points + 200 renown rolls over to 100) but does NOT increase rank. Tried it with a couple  of renown factions and it's the same thing. This seems like a pretty huge bug and have noticed others in chat mention that it happened to them as well.

When I relogged on the character, it was like all the points were rolled back.

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Renown levels are tied to ID, so whole acc on retail.

Here that mechanism is OBVIOUSLY not in place. So, when u have lets say X renown on ur main, then u go on alt, get 200 rep to valdrakken on alt, then u come back to main, the whole renown numbers that show AT EACH STAGE of this whole maneuver go wonky. The UI for rep/renown doesn't show correct.

Till there is a fix gets in place (if at all, cuz acc bound rep isnt easy to code), u would be well advised to max renown farming on 1 char of acc.

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That's what I have been trying to do. Getting it up on just one character so I can then take advantage of the double/4 times renown gain but it's still not going up on some days. Does this mean we shouldn't play alts at all as it may bug out like you describe?

Otherwise how do we fix this because now I can't level up the renown whatsoever.

Edited by driel780

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