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Arcane Lord

Eonar nerf in 9.1.5

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Hi. Apparently Eonar was supposed to be nerfed in 9.1.5 to allow people to solo it easily. Unfortunately today i tried to solo her but i detected a few problems 

So eonar is supposed to do her AOE which clears the room after killing wave 2 and a few mobs that come close to her. Then the player should go in the portals, leading to the ship and click 4 crystals.  

But when i tried to do it today not only did i have to clear 4 waves to trigger the Aoe (useless, since the mobs no longer come through) but also when i enter the ship i can only click a single crystal and no more. Then Eonar dies a few seconds later.

I hope we get this fixed soon. Because it's a punch in the gut.

Edit:i reached  the coven of shivarra in HC mode. They are also supposed to be nerfed. Basically the ability which required players to keep 2 of the bosses seperated from each other (due to 99% damage reduction) was removed hence making the encounter soloable.

Edited by Arcane Lord

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Hi @Arcane Lord!

Indeed, on retail Mythic Eonar suffered a nerf to make players easily solo the boss fight, but it's not implemented since it doesn't represent a major problem and devs are focused on the current raid tier. Currently, you need a full raid group to be able to do Mythic Eonar.

If you have any other issue, feel free to open a ticket in our support platform.




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Hi @Arcane Lord!

After 4 days of you not replying to the topic you made, we have decided to move it to our archives where you can still see our answer. If you have any follow up questions regarding it, please make a ticket here.



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