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[Declined][Shadowlands]: A Grandmother's Remedy

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Title: A Grandmother's Remedy
Bugtracker Link:

Patch Content:

The Quest cannot be done because has no npc_spellclick_spells to get from


DELETE FROM `npc_spellclick_spells` WHERE `npc_entry`='75470';
INSERT INTO `npc_spellclick_spells` (`npc_entry`,`spell_id`,`user_type`) VALUES 
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `npcflag`='16777216' WHERE `entry`='75470';
DELETE FROM `conditions` WHERE `SourceTypeOrReferenceId`='18' AND `SourceGroup`='75470';
INSERT INTO `conditions` (`SourceTypeOrReferenceId`,`SourceGroup`,`SourceEntry`,`ConditionTypeOrReference`,`ConditionValue1`) VALUES
UPDATE `quest_template_locale` SET 
`ObjectiveText1_loc2`='Fiole de jus de crapaud',
`ObjectiveText1_loc3`='Fläschchen Krötensaft',
`ObjectiveText1_loc6`='Vial de zumo de sapo',
`ObjectiveText1_loc7`='Vial de zumo de sapo',
`ObjectiveText1_loc8`='Сосуд с жабьей слизью'
WHERE `entry`='33077';
DELETE FROM `item_template_locale` WHERE `entry`='110723';
INSERT INTO `item_template_locale` VALUES 
(`entry`,`item_loc2`,`item_loc3`,`item_loc6`,`item_loc7`,`item_loc8`,`description_loc2`,`description_loc3`,`description_loc6`,`description_loc7`,`description_loc8`) VALUES
('110723','Fiole de jus de crapaud','Fläschchen Krötensaft','Vial de zumo de sapo','Vial de zumo de sapo','Сосуд с жабьей слизью','"Elle luit."','"Es leuchtet."','"Brilla."','"Brilla."','"Светится."');

Not sure if item_template_locale is still a thing in SL, i remember it existed back in MoP and Trinity Wiki was still displaying it.

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Hello @Florix,

Thank you for your submission. After a little review, i've noticed some problems.

Firstly, `item_template_locale` doesn't exist anymore, we use Hotfixes for that. Secondly, we don't touch `quest_template_locale` since we do a bulk push of them from time to time.

On `npc_spellclick_spells` 'cast_flags' doesn't have default value, so you'll need to set one.

Due to that, your submission is declined. You can correct the issue mentioned above and redo a submission, I'll be pleased to review it in 4 years from now -)).

With regards,

Thyvene. Spell developer.

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