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[Accepted][Shadowlands]: A Lesson in Mineralogy

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Title: A Lesson in Mineralogy
Bugtracker Link:

Patch Content:

The Quest got 2 quest enders, one NPC and one Object, only the object is correct. Also, for some reason, the "<>" in the German lang pack on ObjectiveItemtext and OfferRewardtext shows "&lt;" instead.


DELETE FROM `creature_questender` WHERE `quest`='34809' AND `npc`='79201';
UPDATE `quest_template_locale` SET `ObjectiveItemsText_loc3`='<Die Gold-o-matik 9000 zischt und surrt wie schweres Gerät vor sich hin.>',`OfferRewardText_loc3`='<Die Gold-o-matik 9000 zerknirscht und zermalmt die Überreste der Elementare.>$B$BKnack-knack-tschack, Tschack-knacktschak-knack...' WHERE `entry`='34809';


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Hello @Florix,

Thank you for your submission. After a little review, I've noticed only one problem:

In `quest_template_locale`, we don't have any row named 'ObjectiveItemsText_loc3', here's how our table is composed:

create table `quest_template_locale` (
	`ID` mediumint (8),
	`locale` varchar (12),
	`LogTitle` text ,
	`LogDescription` text ,
	`QuestDescription` text ,
	`AreaDescription` text ,
	`PortraitGiverText` text ,
	`PortraitGiverName` text ,
	`PortraitTurnInText` text ,
	`PortraitTurnInName` text ,
	`QuestCompletionLog` text ,
	`OfferRewardText` text ,
	`VerifiedBuild` mediumint (8)

However, I'm pleased to tell you that your patch fix concerning the `creature_questender` is approved and will be pushed in the further days.

With regards,

Thyvene. Spell developer.

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