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Size decrease and increase for Cosmeticator [Shop]

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Title: Size decrease and increase for Cosmeticator

Type: Shop


I think it would be a good addition to the Cosmeticator to alter character size to some extent, since WoW doesn't have height sliders for character creation.
Making it a set percentage on the NPC would be easy, but it'd be even nicer to have more control over how much % of decrease or increase you want if that's possible. Of course not to an extent of extreme values, maybe a 40% or 30% maximum for either increase or decrease, or maybe a lower maximum for increase would be great.
It'd be especially a welcome option for bigger races, since movement on them seems visually slow (I know it's not actually though).

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This would be a welcome addition to the Cosmeticator.
Especially so for bigger races that have certain size related difficulties like being unable entering some buildings, or having to rotate camera each time to see small quest objectives blocked on the screen by character. 
This is a fun feature overall that can actually be useful!

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We need this.
Add each size option in separate preview window. Make it available for purchase with Vote Points apart from VIP points.

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Yassss queeeeeen we definitely stan this!!!!!


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On 3/19/2022 at 1:15 PM, Baldr said:

We need this.
Add each size option in separate preview window. Make it available for purchase with Vote Points apart from VIP points.

I think it'd be even nicer to have it available with loyalty points too since it'd only change the character size, but I'd most likely spend even gold points on it.

Edited by Yoake

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So.. does anyone look at this part of the forum for any other reason than moderating topics which are about bugs that should be on the tracker instead?
There hasn't been a topic appearing in the "Accepted" part since 2019. Makes it look like actual suggestions get no attention.

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