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Acacia Avenue

can't start artifact quest (BfA)

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Hello everyone,

I have a fresh DH and I just got done doing the Legion introductory questline to get to Broken Isles' Dalaran. The NPC that should give me the artifact questline doesn't have it, and as such I can't pick the artifact weapon.

I know it'll be inactive in BfA, but still I can't queue for a random Legion dungeon without it. Is the quest missing (and I shoul just keep leveling and just ignore Legion altogether)?

EDIT: Nevermind I found a Firestorm NPC who just gives me the weapon. Also, no quest whatsoever but everything in the DH hall seem to work. I'll leave the post here for whoever will have this problem, and also because I can't seem to find a way to delete it lol.

Edited by Acacia Avenue
Issue partially solved

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