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Item removal after wintrading [In-game]

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Title: Item removal after wintrading

Type: In-game


Hi. You might've noticed many people on Greymane are win-trading to 2.2+ and they're not even hiding it (100+ games with 0s all around).
That's because they don't care about titles, but super rare enchants that can be bought at 2.2 and 2.4 for 200 marks each (Illusion Glorious Tyranny/Illusion Primal Victory) and mounts (Valajar Stormwing, Volcanic Stone Drake, Corrupted Deathwind, Drake of East Wind, Prestigious Warsteed to name a few). That adds few extra FS golds to the price since items acquired by wintrading are not being removed.

My suggestion - when someone has been proven to wintrade, along with resetting the rate and banning them, removal of any illusions and mounts with rate req. purchased after the suspicious win-streak has started. That will also discourage wintrading in general, because there would be nothing to be gained in the long run.

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