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[Battle for Azeroth]: Scouring the Desert

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Title: Scouring the Desert
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While questing in Silithus, i've encountered a few bugs on Quests. can be accepted and turned in by the same Quest giver. can also be accepted and turned in by the same Quest giver. is bugged and by reading the Wowhead comments. a few people wrote that it got removed in Legion, around 7.2.5.


DELETE FROM `creature_questender` WHERE `id` IN ('50588','5393') AND `quest`='28867';
DELETE FROM `creature_questender` WHERE `id` IN ('17082','17080') AND `quest`='9415';
INSERT INTO `creature_questender` (`id`,`quest`) VALUES 
-- Quest 9422 & 9419 got removed with Legion (comments say around 7.2.5
UPDATE `quest_template` SET `QuestType`='1' WHERE `id`='9419';
UPDATE `quest_template` SET `QuestType`='1' WHERE `id`='9422';



Edited by Florix

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please don't change the quest_template.
If it's disabled use the disables table.

DELETE FROM `disables` WHERE `sourceType`=1 AND `entry` IN (9419, 9422);
INSERT INTO `disables` (`sourceType`, `entry`, `flags`, `comment`) VALUES
(1, 9419, 0, 'Deprecated quest: Scouring the Desert'),
(1, 9422, 0, 'Deprecated quest: Scouring the Desert');


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