
[Legion]: Fatty Bearsteak drop rate

3 posts in this topic

Title: Fatty Bearsteak drop rate
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Patch Content:

Bronzeleaf Grizzly=109521
Voracious Bear=93095
Boilback Bristlefur=102361

DELETE FROM `creature_loot_template` WHERE `entry`='109521' AND `item`=124118;
INSERT INTO `creature_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `lootmode`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`) VALUES
UPDATE `creature_loot_template` SET `lootid`='109521' WHERE `entry`='109521';

DELETE FROM `creature_loot_template` WHERE `entry`='93095' AND `item`=124118;
INSERT INTO `creature_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `lootmode`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`) VALUES
('93095', '124118', '74', '1', '0', '1', '2');
UPDATE `creature_loot_template` SET `lootid`='93095' WHERE `entry`='93095';

DELETE FROM `creature_loot_template` WHERE `entry`='102361' AND `item`=124118;
INSERT INTO `creature_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `lootmode`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`) VALUES
('102361', '124118', '78', '1', '0', '1', '3');
UPDATE `creature_loot_template` SET `lootid`='102361' WHERE `entry`='102361';


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I just saw  this NPC is friendly.If i am not wrong this should fix it.I am kinda new in this.

Bronzeleaf Grizzly=109521

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `faction`=14 WHERE `entry`=109521;


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Thanks! You have a typo that I fixed tho :D 

UPDATE `creature_loot_template` SET `lootid`='xxxx' WHERE `entry`='yyy';


UPDATE `creature_template` SET `lootid`='xxxx' WHERE `entry`='yyy';


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