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[Declined][Legion]: Recipe : Suramar Surf and Turf

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Title: Recipe : Suramar Surf and Turf
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Hi ! 

I didn't DELETE creature_loot_template but I added one with a different groupId that will give a chance to drop items. 


-- Legion Recipe: Suramar Surf and Turf

-- Recipe : Surf
-- Tideclaw 110824
DELETE FROM `creature_loot_template` WHERE (`Item`='141011');
INSERT INTO `creature_loot_template` (`Entry`, `Item`, `Chance`, `GroupId`) VALUES 
('110824', '141011', '16', '3'),
-- Sashj'tar Pincher 102819
('102819', '141011', '13', '3'),
-- Frothing Crab 107312
('107312', '141011', '13', '3'),
-- Coastal Spikeback 99720
('99720', '141011', '11', '3'),
-- Pinchshank 107846
('107846', '141011', '9', '3'),
-- Deepwater Spikeback 99504
('99504', '141011', '8', '3');

-- Recipe : Turf
-- Shieldscar Doe 112827
DELETE FROM `creature_loot_template` WHERE (`Item`='141012');
INSERT INTO `creature_loot_template` (`Entry`, `Item`, `Chance`, `GroupId`) VALUES 
('112827', '141012', '19', '3'),
-- Sashj'tar Pincher 112825
('112825', '141012', '17', '3'),
-- Frothing Crab 113205
('113205', '141012', '15', '3'),
-- Coastal Spikeback 106837
('106837', '141012', '13', '3'),
-- Pinchshank 103805
('103805', '141012', '13', '3'),
-- Deepwater Spikeback 110042
('110042', '141012', '7', '3'),
-- Deepwater Spikeback 110043
('110043', '141012', '5', '3');


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There's a problem with that recipe in 7.1.5. The problem is that surf and turf doesn't even exist on .dbc nor .db2 files so you can't even do .add <item>. On our 7.3.5 that problem doesn't exist and that recipe will be obtainable.

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