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[Declined] Idea-suggestion for realms

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I had this idea before and  i presented this idea even earilier but developers didn't care so much about it and i said to try again
Since population on all MoP realms are low i tough maybe developers could merge the rassharom,menethil and hellscream realm into Taran Zhu realm and increase popularity even for 50%. In fact 216 people are now active on Taran'zhu everyone would like to get more people and increase popularity of the server and realms,actualy if you would merge all realms in taran zhu in 1h  schedule you would increase people number over 1000 what would be a big bang!

I know allot of people hate "jajas" from other realms but i agree we could settle all together on one realm in this case Taran Zhu

The only problem would be the language barrier but we could settle it,because when i played on russian server which had a big popularity even more then firestorm the developers make 3 chat channels so in this case there would  be three main channels english,french and spanish... for foreign players...If you like my idea thumbs up and push up to realize this idea.

P.S one more thing merging realms into one mean more work for developers,also means more rdf parties,more bg,arena and pvp fun also developers could fix Tol Barad and Wintergrasp and make them aviable for pvp...


I remember when i played wotlk and  vanilla in old days and waited for long queues to connect server,well those were days not this the server is half empty...

Sincerly Mixtapee

Edited by Firestorm-Player

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The topic will be put in Declined as your suggestion has already been on the admin's minds and MoP realms will most likely merge soon.

Kind Regards,

Senior Game Master,

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