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Posts posted by skeetskeet

  1. So you are saying that every alliance race should have bout alliance and horde racials at the same time? This is same problem retail wow had i played retail first 7 months of start of bfa and back then it was exactly the same the bonus exp was the same 10% for horde and 10% for alliance but it quickly turned out to be horde mode only , since many of allince players turned it off. 

    Blizzard tryed to incentive for alliance players to turn warmode on buy giving weekly quick that would drop heroic tier loot when you kill 20 horde players and you could do that in a raid, but then what end up happening was people would turn the warmode on make a raid group kill passing horde , get the item and turn warmode off. Anything firestorm does will have to best something like AP bonus or rep bonus for alliance to maybe make people switch back .

    but to me thats not the problem , problem is that people do not use premade group tool in game they are all going on global chat for keys and raids. In my opinion firestorm needs to disable linking keys in global chat.

  2. Title: Hunt and Kill

    Type: In-game


    This event will be consisting of around 45 players roughly, depending on amount of GM's in the raid group. There can be as many rounds but i suggest 2 rounds.

    1) First group of 40 people will be hiding, they must all be from the same faction (level 1 ) +- GM in group to see if someone is cheating or not.

    2) Second group will be of players hunting the first group, to kill them once the person is dead they are out. (maximum of 8 players more then this and game will end to soon (this players can be max level )) in another team with ofc GM in group to see if they are cheating.

    I suggest a map to use for this: Defense of the Alehouse). It's an unused wow map without flying enabled , there are few places that allows person to go off the map, but i am sure QA team can check them if not i can personally show them.