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Posts posted by wheelchairbtw

  1. Your character name: AJHWBEQJHWBE
    Character who you're reporting: Kittyprox , Zantheon
    Realm: Greymane
    Date of incident: 09/29/19
    Description & Evidence:

    Abusing and changing spec when the que POP(i think) before entering so they can play as 2 healers.and doing insane dmg with cat form but being unkillable :( this is a bug you are not a meant to be able to que as double HEALER in 2v2 bracket 


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  2. Your character name: AJHWBEQJHWBE
    Character who you're reporting: Fiónagodx/Shrekgodx
    Realm: Greymane
    Date of incident: 09/12/19
    Description & Evidence:

    Reporting a Wind Walker abusing teleport thru pillars for an unfair advance in arena 2v2. He will use this bug on people when he is low and running out of COOLDOWNS so he can buy time for his Touch Of Karma to come back up again. I have lost alot of games because of this bug:(

    Was going to upload this about 5days ago but i saw another person report him and i thought that now would be the time as i was going to let him off but as he has been using vs others not just me i find it disgusting

    also here.


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  3. Your character name: Bluemen
    Character who you're reporting: Twizzlerstwo
    Realm: Greymane
    Date of incident: 09/04/19
    Description & Evidence:

    Twizzlerstwo is using a paladin spell to active players PVP tag, then his friends come and gank you 1v10 this is killing the entire durotar and making me and some of my mates just log out and stop playing... we cant even duel without getting ganked by Alliance. He told me he would just make new Greymane accounts and nothing will stop him from doing this :( 

    Maybe an IP ban will stop him from ruining everyones experience of greymane.


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  4. Title: Shop prices

    Type: Website


    Hi there today i recently just remebered one of my old account details after not playing for so long but the problem is that i already made a new account and bought a character and my question is: To lowerthe price of the minium to sell/buy characters so i can sell it to my self ?


    There is no reason why the minimum to BUY/SELL a character is 300 other than the point of view from a Business profit and money grabbing. I feel as it should have no minimum or maybe 50 points

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