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Posts posted by GUCCIRYCH

  1. 19 hours ago, Lotuss said:

    Stop being lazy lol

    As I said dude, I did this shit on Retail. I don't want to do it again, it's a private server, I don't care that much. Not having flying literally makes me not want to play on this server, you're at a huge disadvantage with literally every aspect of content in Legion. I just want to buy it, I ain't grinding it out again that's for sure. 

  2. Title: Broken Isles Flying

    Type: Shop


    After grinding out flying on retail, I don't want to do this again, it was literally the worst experience of all time on live, probably not much better here. I don't know when you guys released Draenor Flying to the store, i'm guessing at the end of the expansion, but I really think we should be able to buy Legion Flying. 


    Some might see it as "Pay 2 Win" but it's way more like "Pay 2 Convenience", two completely different things. You can earn flying by in-game means, it just takes time and dedication, therefore buying it just means you get it faster without the time or dedication, meaning it's not pay 2 win, since you can't ONLY acquire flying by paying. 


    Prob get declined until end of xpack, but by then most people will have it anyway. Thanks for considering. 





  3. Completely agreed Juanson. I definitely think we, as players, should be able to transmog what we want, how we want. As you said, cheaters are going to cheat no matter what, the use of cheat engine being allowed for transmog purposes isn't going to randomly cause a 500% increase in cheaters, if they want to cheat they'd already be doing it. Even if some do start cheating, it's extremely easy to report them and get them banned. 

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  4. Are you retarded? People aren't playing on an instant 110 PvP server to farm transmog and mounts, people are playing to PvP. Obviously elite glad transmogs shouldn't be sold for free, but random pieces of plate/leather/cloth armor should be. 

    Please don't type when your IQ is actually less than 80. 

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