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Posts posted by Ichigo

  1. Greetings,

    Actually, all the covenant campaign are not fully released yet you can't only get til 3/7 on each covenant 

    Also don't hesitate on using our new Support Site which is way better and easier so we can help you out faster by clicking HERE

    Wish you a good day.

    Kind regards, Moderator Ichigo.

  2. Greetings,

    The first time u start your game it will be downloading  some data so you have to wait sometime depending on your internet speed 

    Also don't hesitate on using our new Support Site which is way better and easier so we can help you out faster by clicking HERE

    Wish you a good day.

    Kind regards, Moderator Ichigo.

    1 person likes this

  3. Greetings,

    Welcome to our technical support section, which is made to help with client issues.

    For the issue you described, you would need to create an in-game ticket so a Game Master can assist you: in order to do so, when logged in on the affected character press escape > 'help' > 'describe your issue as precisely as possible.
    You will then soon be contacted by a member of our team.

    Try to stay logged in as much as possible to quicken the answer!

    Also, know that our Game Masters are not available 24/7 and they reply on tickets in order the older your ticket the more you'll get answered so try to be patient

    Also don't hesitate on using our new Support Site which is way better and easier so we can help you out faster by clicking HERE

    Wish you a good day.

    Kind regards, Moderator Ichigo.

  4. Greetings,

    Welcome to our technical support section, which is made to help with client issues.

    For the issue you described, that quest is not scripted yet and its side quest in your convenant storyline but if encounter any other problems you would need to create an in-game ticket so a Game Master can assist you: in order to do so, when logged in on the affected character press escape > 'help' > 'describe your issue as precisely as possible.
    You will then soon be contacted by a member of our team.

    Try to stay logged in as much as possible to quicken the answer!

    Also, know that our Game Masters are not available 24/7 and they reply on tickets in order the older your ticket the more you'll get answered so try to be patient

    Also don't hesitate on using our new Support Site which is way better and easier so we can help you out faster by clicking HERE

    Wish you a good day.

    Kind regards, Moderator Ichigo.

  5. Greetings,

    sadly we can't transfer any character to BFA actually

    if your character didn't get transferred by the presentation of BFA then you just need  to create a new character and level it up

    but we may add transfer option to BFA later but still no ETA for that

    We wish you a good day and a good game on Firestorm.
    Kind regards, Moderator, Ichigo.